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  1. L

    Need settings to play fluently

    the game is only in full screen or window and i lag more in window than full screen. A remotely modern PC should have identical performance in all window modes unless something is very broken in software or drivers, rendering desktop/other programs takes negligible resources unlike in the early...
  2. L

    Bug Report The Old Veterinarian

    I did this a few days ago, and it worked. You went to the top floor, killed the goblins, and tried to talk to him? Did his tools not appear on the bottom floor?
  3. L

    What does dragon God’s essence do?

    Ok, that is even better than the price being an oversight.. for both items.
  4. L

    What does dragon God’s essence do?

    I noticed that as well and was wondering, cant possibly imagine anything could be worth that much, filed it alongside the insignia candy king egg that would take 12 years (napkin math?) to unlock as "weird shit nobody ever thought about too hard".
  5. L

    Play on Linux

    Wine has come a long way since 2016, there was a big recent patch that improved compatibility for a lot of older directX games. All you can do is give it a try.
  6. L

    How active is this server?

    Ok, that is neat. I was unaware the client was actually that modifiable. Is it a general refactoring to make additions easier, or gameplay redesign as well?
  7. L

    How active is this server?

    The discord seems basically dead, and i have seen nobody in-game so far, and no chat. is it a small endgame community?

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