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  1. Lalolalo9

    Finish the sentence

    ...even Pikachu loses in yellowness. His nephew bought...
  2. Lalolalo9

    Marketplace Requests

    Get dancers ;)
  3. Lalolalo9

    Suggestion Make Hydras (or just dragons in general) great again!

    Hi I've noticed there aren't that many make dragon great again threads hence I decided to post one. I think dragons are really powerful however they have been overshadowed by the orange gear players can equip. lvl 60 gear sets give 330 health and 100 extra damage. lvl 70 gear sets give 150...
  4. Lalolalo9

    Marketplace Requests

    Silver Snowdrift Stalwart dragon!
  5. Lalolalo9

    Suggestion Overstatting dragon gear

    Please let us be able overstat dragon gear!
  6. Lalolalo9

    Dragon Conversion Wishlist

    The undead dragon soul in Silt Marsh Thadrea
  7. Lalolalo9

    Suggestion Loot set 108

    Dear guys The current loot set needs like 1800 encryption components for a measly level 98 set of purple rarity. Will there ever be a better loot accessory set. Sincerely lalolalo9
  8. Lalolalo9

    Developer Update Third Anniversary Development Update

    Referring to what you said in Laedis 108 thread. A lot of issues have been fixed. Which is awesome and thus leads to the next question (I know we are insatiable and entitled to alot because you spoil us): What are the next items that we are allowed to know?
  9. Lalolalo9

    Suggestion Implemented Captured (wild) dragons vs Egg (tame) dragons.

    Dear community I know this has been on the list for much much longer but in my personal opinion there has to be an added value to capturing dragons out there in the wilds to caring for a dragon egg all day while afk. Hence I also added a poll to see if the system is fine as it is. Better...
  10. Lalolalo9

    Guide Dragon Skill Spreadsheet

    WOw this is epic! Much better when having acces to source data instead of community driver skills. Ty alot!
  11. Lalolalo9

    IoLS Mat Question

    Do you mean something like this list? Laedis Mats2 (Recovered) A gem I reckon
  12. Lalolalo9

    Returning player

    For some dragons this is true for others it's not (I am looking at you Lunar frost!) I would recommend searching the wiki for spawn durations in addition to checking the spawn calender. My source for example is moslty : List of Dragons but also other players. Just give a shout in world chat some...
  13. Lalolalo9

    Help other's Build a PVP Character For thier Ranger's Guardian's Oracle's and Sorc's

    I don't want to be a gamebreaker but, I dont think we reached toxic levels of people in this community that people don't want to share secrets. Most people who are really good at pvp actually like pvp. But as pvp is almost non-existent not many play anymore thus leading to this shortage of...
  14. Lalolalo9

    Developer Update Third Anniversary Development Update

    ;) :p ;) :p ;) ;) ;) :p ;) ;) :cool: ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) :p ;) ;) ;) :p ;) ;) :cool: :p :p :p ;) ;) :p ;) :p ;) :cool: :p :p ;) ;) :p ;) ;) ;) :p :p :cool: :p :p :p ;) ;) ;) :p ;) ;) :p ;) ;) :p ;) ;) :p :p :p ;) :p ;) :p ;) ;) :cool: ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) :p ;) :p ;) ;)...
  15. Lalolalo9

    Announcement Nyssilth, the Toxic Tyrant & Laedis 102 Fixed

    All hail the great overlords! Thank you for the news!
  16. Lalolalo9

    Daily Quest

    There is a bar under VIP rewards. You can check that so see your progress. Every day you login it increases by a fixed amount. Every time you purchase diamonds it increases by the amount of diamonds you purchased. Apart from the login X times in a month bonus you can also receive a daily VIP...
  17. Lalolalo9

    Announcement Current bugs & Client Reversion

    My older pc's like this!
  18. Lalolalo9

    Developer Update Text wall update

    Seiichi taking Chronos' place...
  19. Lalolalo9

    Announcement Galactic Storm Official Release

    I like the name more than the skin which looks epic anyway :p

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