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May 13, 2020
Could you please implement new Skills?

You could randomly distribute them on all worlds. Not too many, just a few. Well hidden and only be to found via a small icon.
Skills for dragons, but also for players, would be nice... e.g. healing or support skills. Soul-bound and not transferable to other characters.
This may also encourage the group to play more.

To encourage the whole thing, an email notification to everyone would be nice; to add increase ambition and incentive.

The level limitation of the dragons and the character should also be ended slowly, as the game is currently very monotonous.
The levels above the current limit would just have to be harder to reach in order to increase the incentive for the game.

Thx a lot

Könnten Sie neue Skills einbinden?

Man könnte sie zufällig auf allen Welten verteilen. Nicht zu viele nur ein paar. Gut versteckt und nur über ein kleines Symbol zu finden.
Skills für Drachen, aber auch für Spieler wären vorstellbar.. z.B. Heil- oder Supportskills.
Seelengebunden und nicht auf andere Chars übertragbar.
Damit wird vielleicht auch das Gruppenspiel mehr gefördert.

Um das ganze zu fördern, wäre eine Mail-Benachrichtigung an alle schön, um den Ehrgeiz und den Anreiz zu steigern.

Auch die Levelbegrenzung der Drachen und der Charakter sollte langsam beendet werden, da das Spiel derzeit sehr eintönig wird..
Die Level oberhalb der jetzigen Grenze müssten nur sehr schwer erreichbar sein, um den Reiz zu erhöhen.

Vielen Dank
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Oct 20, 2016
Going to mark this as planned as there are some plans to expand skills and the like (for Dragons), but exact methods have not been decided yet.


May 13, 2020
It would also be more exciting if the location of the skill changed after it was found. so it can't be relayed where to find a skill.
New unique skills would be great too.
Furthermore, a forum page would be great where all skills found are listed to increase the incentive to search for them.

Thx a lot for your hard work.

PS: Sorry I've read too many LitRPG novels/mangas.


Oct 20, 2016
Web novels and anime do not translate well to game design, because they do not account development constraints.

Adding an item that is randomly looted from specific mobs or generated as part of an event, as well as changing the location of triggering an event are possible.

Unique skills are not happen as it is a poor use of invested time (restricting usage of a single skill to one person out of every other person is a good way to alienate the whole player base), and goes in the face of offering a more balanced PvP experience in the future.

We have the Showcase system mostly setup, however I need people to fill it out, as well as have to finish taking pictures of all the Dragons.

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