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Recent content by Dragoneer

  1. Dragoneer

    Suggestion Arena Manager NPC in one town per zone.

    Except that doesn't help players with Laedis's chronic lag issue (hence, "lagdis"). It's infinitely better for players to just simply not go there at all unless it's for a quest, capping a specific RA, egg cares, certain Hero mats (e.g., CoP), etc.
  2. Dragoneer

    Suggestion Arena Manager NPC in one town per zone.

    Can we do this with the Riding Skills NPC also? IIRC, there's an associated quest, so maybe skip adding one to any of the starting zones, but they'd certainly be useful after Laedis. Every zone, every other zone, whatever—just something that doesn't interrupt progression so much. Assuming this...
  3. Dragoneer

    dragon prophet old account use?

    If you played on the official TW (Runewaker), NA (Sony), or EU (Infernum) servers, those have all been shut down for years, and any accounts you might have had with them are long gone. The server run by the Adept Dragon crew uses the same version of the game as what the EU had but is otherwise...
  4. Dragoneer

    Dragon Beginner Dragons

    Oh, good. Because I'd probably forget something like that anyway.
  5. Dragoneer

    Dragon Beginner Dragons

    😬 So if you hop right to Arteicia immediately after character creation, you can miss out on it? Thanks—that's good to know.
  6. Dragoneer

    Dragon Beginner Dragons

    The Adept Starter Pack can be found in your backpack, in the marketplace bag (second tab from left, upper right side). It should be a red/orange boxy envelope sort of thing with red calligraphy. If you hover over it, one of the many items inside (if you're playing in English) will read "1x...
  7. Dragoneer

    Focus or Constitution for Dragon

    I agree that it wouldn't hurt to do both stats, but maybe leaning more toward constitution for the HP buffer, since healing skills have a cooldown and you have no control of the dragon's decision to use them. There are also learnable/trainable skills that will boost focus and constitution (and...
  8. Dragoneer

    Bug Report How to start the game?

    Not necessarily. There's been an ongoing DDoS attack on one of the data center providers, so when it begins to pick up the server will randomly crash or otherwise be inaccessible. This has proven extra problematic for international players because of how the attack is being carried out. There...
  9. Dragoneer


    Hello and welcome! The server may seem quiet, but don't hesitate to ask questions in chat if you need to—there's bound to be someone online who's willing to help. You can also check with the Lyaree Guild Clerks to find a guild to join. Have fun, and may all your dragons have great stats and skills!
  10. Dragoneer

    server error

    I was able to connect and play for several hours with only minor issues, so all I can say is to keep trying. A GM said in-game that some players have been unable to join the server at all, so you aren't alone.
  11. Dragoneer

    server error

    Same here. Made two attempts to log in, had a prolonged "Connecting" notification, then got the "Unable to log in to the server!" error message both times. Went to task manager and ended process (for thoroughness, not because it was locked up). Reinitiated game startup, tried twice more, got...
  12. Dragoneer

    Mandodit the Mad Crow

    I have a vague recollection of Mandodit being a little on the difficult side (can't recall what level I was at, though I played oracle for more hours than any other class). IIRC, my most common strategy was to send in a sacrificial dragon to get in a few hits and draw his attention, then run in...
