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Recent content by Dryadia

  1. Dryadia

    Suggestion Noodle Event

    Are we having Noodle Event soon? Chinese New Year starts tomorrow. Thank you for your consideration. :)
  2. Dryadia

    Show off your merch

    Came in the mail today! \o/ (from new merch shop)
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  7. Dryadia

    Holiday Present Haul 2024

    My nephew ordered it for me, from the old merch store, before it got taken down, apparently.
  8. Dryadia

    Show off your merch

    Sha Ting pillow my nephew "Howl" got me (from old merch shop)
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    Sha Ting pillow.jpg

  10. Dryadia

    Holiday Present Haul 2024

    Sha Ting Pillow! Lego Dancing Groot, 459 pieces. Lotsa chocolate candy and some folding$
  11. Dryadia

    Suggestion Silver Dragon Festival

    Please implement Silver Dragon Festival. Also, please add marketplace Christmas items, ie: furniture, costumes, weapon skins, loot pets, etc. Thank you for your consideration.
  12. Dryadia

    i think you just click to activate, and JB will show up for 5 min...then you get your buffs, buy...

    i think you just click to activate, and JB will show up for 5 min...then you get your buffs, buy whatever you want from the merch shop...then he disappears. I'm not sure what the cool down is till next use...maybe 1 hour.
  13. Dryadia

    Introduce your pet!

    Maggie, all grown up.
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  15. Dryadia

    Suggestion Styx Event

    And may i also suggest putting some Halloween/Styx furniture, weapon skins, Loot pets, and costume pieces in marketplace? Thank you for your consideration. :)
