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Recent content by Heroine

  1. Heroine

    Suggestion Field Eggs

    I've started working on a map for egg locations starting with Thadrea, Porthis and Olandra, I should be able to publish it soon.
  2. Heroine

    Guide Updated - 3/2020 | Dungeon Ancient Location, Tips Farming Guide

    After being incredibly busy with work and life, I managed to spawn Diamond Bulwark in Juno Crystal Gallery. It can be found before the fourth boss in the area where the corrupted knights roam.
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  4. Heroine


    No, but each dungeon has its own dungeon ancient, including the bigger dungeons like DHT. For example, you can get Steel Demon in Ironwing Lair. You can still get Crimson Thorn in the other dungeon however.
  5. Heroine

    Suggestion Arena Manager NPC in one town per zone.

    Not the tournament officer, but it would be nice if the arena NPC was copied to some other towns in other zones so we can keep up with our challenges while we are doing other activities in the game, rather than go to and live in lagdis all the time. There is already one in Alentia and Porthis...
  6. Heroine

    The great big "I need this dragon on arena thread".

    Let us know what dragons you want us to put on arena for you to challenge! Let me know what you want and I'll change my team accordingly too. I would like to see some people put back up grim reaper, experimental mech and golden emperor if they have em, thanks!
  7. Heroine

    Guide Updated - 3/2020 | Dungeon Ancient Location, Tips Farming Guide

    Seiichi has confirmed this isn't functional mechanic on Dragon's Prophet Adept
  8. Heroine

    Guide Updated - 3/2020 | Dungeon Ancient Location, Tips Farming Guide

    Either way, I rise from the dead. I had these points set from literal years ago, and only completed the final 15 pity now.
  9. Heroine

    Guide Updated - 3/2020 | Dungeon Ancient Location, Tips Farming Guide

    You might actually bring me out of dungeon ancient retirement to investigate this. Do you have more information about the Omati Gorge Encounter? I.E - did you kill the boss before it spawned or was it in the boss room, screenshots indicate in the hardmode version it should appear earlier on in...
  10. Heroine

    Guide All the new dragons and how to get them.

    Updated accordingly.
  11. Heroine

    Guide All the new dragons and how to get them.

    Edited and added Karuna's servant.
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  13. Heroine

    Favorite dragon from eggs? (LF reccs)

    For whatever reason I found getting the experimental mech dragon was way harder than grim reaper, just because you need to find enough competent people to run a lot of DB repeatedly, and the drop for the item is already really rare. Grim in the other hand needs just a few DB runs
  14. Heroine

    Guide Updated - 3/2020 | Dungeon Ancient Location, Tips Farming Guide

    Thankfully Bloodstone is one of the shortest farms in the game (3-4 hrs with 5). It seems like your dragon spawned on two runs ago. Check carefully through your messages, seems like an early spawn trigger. You'll see it again pretty quickly. Also have you checked the difficulty you're running...
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