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Recent content by Kodawolf

  1. Kodawolf

    Recruiting Guild Nothingtolose

    Hey all, I'M BACK!!!!! looking for ppl to join. Come play with us :)
  2. Kodawolf

    Introduce your pet!

    This is our pure bred Dingo pup "Buddy" ... this was a month ago when he was 3 months old, he's bigger now and 4 months old... So far he hasnt eaten any babies
  3. IMG_20220802_1416032.jpg


  4. IMG_20220802_1415362.jpg


  5. IMG_20220802_170226.jpg


  6. Kodawolf

    Recruiting Guild Nothingtolose

    Still recuiting players, so come join us... c'mon you got nothing to lose
  7. Kodawolf

    Comment by 'Kodawolf' in media 'Wrath of Annihilation (Heavy) Set'

    isnt this the Terminator Set?
  8. Kodawolf

    Where do you come from?

    I'm from Sydney, Australia :)
  9. Kodawolf

    Joining New player

    Guild NothingToLose is one of those Friendly to all players of all lvls Guild..
  10. Kodawolf

    On going harassment from Eiiy.

    lol how did this thread turn into a Saintbeast thing, its meant to be about Eiiy.. keep it to the main subject i reckon..
  11. Kodawolf

    On going harassment from Eiiy.

    Yes i must add to this as many of NTL's members have been harrassed in the past and even recently, it goes on and on and makes it unenjoyable to play when you are not bein left alone.
  12. Kodawolf

    Suggestion Implemented Loot Pet Conversion

    oh how about the Hunter Dire Wolf?? like the one that was placed at my house? the one in the pic i attached
  13. Kodawolf

    Recruiting Guild Nothingtolose

    Still accepting players and now allied with ThrillerBack
  14. Kodawolf

    Suggestion Implemented Loot Pet Conversion

    i mentioned this in Adept Discord but thought i better say it here too..... I'd love to make your character into a loot pet, a little Kodawolf running around getting loot would be awesome :D
  15. Kodawolf

    Developer Update The coming update, and some more Dragons

    love those colour variations, but plz get them on a smaller type dragon like the Gecko type fabled ancient, The Sailfins (like Balges) are too big to have by your side when playing..
