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  1. Snake Pest

    Unable to enter the apartment

    im not talking about the door of the secret apartment, the first entrance portal, with the apartment managers, sometimes i spam the home button no matter what i do it just doesnt let me in and after some random amount of time it fixes itself? im not sure if it gets fixed by me waiting or relogging
  2. Snake Pest

    Unable to enter the apartment

    lm not sure whats up with it but whenever i try to enter my apartment it just constantly gives me the ''unable to enter apartment'' thing on the yellown chat bar when i press the home button lm not at all sure if its a bug or something's going on with me but since i dont know i wont bug report...
  3. Snake Pest

    Bug Report Solved Dragon too weak for its level

    am i the only one who's just sad about the dragon ai? man i have to unsummon and summon my skytouched atleast 3 times in a battle just because it for some reason gets stuck standing still
  4. Snake Pest

    Finish the sentence

    ..froot loops he looked around in the froot loop milky way for the..
  5. Snake Pest

    Dragon's Prophet Weekly Maintenance 5/10/2021

    join the hype train we are going to hype land
  6. Snake Pest

    Comment by 'Snake Pest' in media 'Unbenannt 3.png'

    a bit too vibreant for my taste but amazing job on the recoloring you did there
  7. Snake Pest

    Dragon Preview Introducing: Amarok, the Revenant

    love the skull lookin head amazing job!
  8. Snake Pest

    Selling Buying WTT sophani's offspring egg

    Trading with Nardicura, savarkin or kondrazi, not selling it hit me up if you wanna trade
  9. Snake Pest

    Guide Updated - 3/2020 | Dungeon Ancient Location, Tips Farming Guide

    balge i think has the system but its pretty diffrent from what i know, i think balge's points reset whenever there's a server maint, but dont take my word for it, im old news edit: sorry i didnt see you already had an answer the forum didnt load in everything i think since i just clicked the...
  10. Snake Pest

    Something about daily resets

    i dont think this is a bug so i didnt post a bug report but for a while now i dont seem to recieve my daily quest reset in time im always awake when the server resets the daily logins and everything else but for some reason the quests dont seem to reset, i relog many times but even hours later...
  11. Snake Pest

    Bug Report Solved Description of Midnight Massacre

    ''Racman'' i almost thought it said Pacman lmao
  12. Snake Pest

    Marketplace Requests

    Maybe make the ancient spirit powder buyable for shells instead of gems? it doesnt seem so worth it to buy something to get a blue dragon instead of a purple one and have to pay gems for it
  13. Snake Pest

    Random ui closing

    (i hope this is what you meant by making a bug report and not a ticket seiichi) Since it still seems to happen at the same way i will just paste what i wrote here before, but one thing ive seen is this doesnt seem to be happening with quest NPCs recently (around 2-3 weeks now) almost every...
  14. Snake Pest

    Maybe too small to make an issue but...

    it doesnt happen to me only in tournament, it happens pretty much any time of the day, seems random
  15. Snake Pest

    Maybe too small to make an issue but...

    recently almost every npc i interact with that gives out some kind of a lair, shop etc kind of ui seems to close themselves after 3-5 mins of interaction i dont touch any kind of button to actually close them but i was wondering if its actually intended for them to time out at some point? or is...
  16. Snake Pest

    Bug Report Solved Ship to Bakra deck not working

    sometimes i get a similar thing with the ship, when im moving just fine something seems to push me off the ship, something pushes me back while the ship is moving, it doesnt happen all the time but it does happen time to time
  17. Snake Pest

    these locations?

    everything i saw above just excites me to read
  18. Snake Pest

    Selling Selling like 50 302 DSD shards?

    hit me up with how much you'll pay here
  19. Snake Pest

    about ranger with gunblade and shield

    i dont know too much about rangers since i was a ranger in savage hunt but that was long ago, attribute points i would suggest you go for is strenght ferocity and focus but things might have been changed since then so dont take my word for it
  20. Snake Pest

    Salty day today?

    Anyone else has been getting some fairly big chunk of disconnection issues during a 2-3 day period including today? the last 2 days havent been too extreme but today i cant even seem to get into dunar temple as i just disconnect for god knows what reason, i have tried to do the entire ''router...

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