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  1. Snake Pest

    Announcement Stripe & Stripe Checkout Added

    i hope with all of this we get more dia/platinum sellers in the game, lol
  2. Snake Pest


    thats some nice quality burn from seiichi
  3. Snake Pest


    Do you think hydras have 2 brains controlling each head or 1 brain in one head controlling both? or maybe anything similar to those two with other organs too? I dont understand why this question got stuck in my head for such long time but i am unable to sleep. help.
  4. Snake Pest

    Finish the sentence

    ...A new car And called it...
  5. Snake Pest

    Anime Discussion

    Fullmetal alchamist is one some could get dragged into- idk what to say about the story but it can get pretty hypnotising sometimes, watched it once would rate it 7/10 : p
  6. Snake Pest

    Dragon Preview Introducing: Corroside, the Tropical Terror

    omg he looks so beatiful is he in the marketplace right now??
  7. Snake Pest

    Multiple GM events?

    Vielen Dank, ich werde es am nächsten Veranstaltungstag versuchen, den ich finden kann. Ich muss sehen, ob alles gut geht und mein WLAN mich nicht trennt. Vielen Dank! ((google translate))
  8. Snake Pest

    Multiple GM events?

    Wenn ich mich im grünen Portal von Artericia befinde, reicht es dann aus, um die Belohnung für das Ereignis zu erhalten? ((google translate))
  9. Snake Pest

    Multiple GM events?

    its all good, i understand that concept might be a bit broken, thank you seiichi for giving time for reading my post and answering
  10. Snake Pest

    Multiple GM events?

    hello, ive been here for a hot while now and ive noticed something that...GM events arent all timezones friendly, some people just cannot reach the GM event for timezone issues and im one of them i know this might be a bit much to ask but im just suggesting it (and im sure a billion other...
  11. Snake Pest

    An entire new wiki of this private server

    Thank you for your attention seiichi, im so glad i came across a game mod/developer that gives their community so much attention
  12. Snake Pest

    An entire new wiki of this private server

    hello, as i see this server has many dragons added in the game that no other kind of dragon's prophet or savage hunt kind of wiki has information of, i know there might be guides in this website but perhaps a wiki of this server would be nice? with all the new dragons, where to get them, all...
  13. Snake Pest

    Suggestion Rejected Newbie level dungeon ancients

    thank you for clearing out my confusion seiichi
  14. Snake Pest

    Suggestion Rejected Newbie level dungeon ancients

    Hello there, id like to suggest to remove the ''you're 5 levels above the dungeon level so cannot gain ancient points'' thing İ do understand some ancients might be in eggs but what if i used the dragon gods blood and skipped basically every starter dungeon then regretted it? Perhaps removing...
  15. Snake Pest

    Finish the sentence

    ....Drinking oil and becoming yellow! He was so yellow that....
  16. Snake Pest


    banned for drinking all the deep fried oil in McDonalds
  17. Snake Pest

    Hi im new

    welcome mate! hope you have a great time here
  18. Snake Pest

    Buying Buying platinum

    Drop off how much you sell plat for, not dias i want platinum or hit me up in the game with your prices, ign: Rusted
  19. Snake Pest

    Guide Updated - 3/2020 | Dungeon Ancient Location, Tips Farming Guide

    can feel the amount of effort went to this post from the screen, thank you for giving so much time and effort to helping others

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