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  1. guardiansheaven

    You can post a image of this dragon, please!

    "Unhatched egg of Reverence". I had no idea what this dragon looked like before deciding to buy it. You can post a image of this dragon, please! Thanks so much for your reply:):):)
  2. guardiansheaven

    How to write a link as shown in the picture???

    Thank you so much:):):)
  3. guardiansheaven

    How to write a link as shown in the picture???

    Because when I wrote the words in the chat box exactly like the name of the items. I still can't do it like in the image below. Thanks.:(:(:(
  4. guardiansheaven

    Hello Everybody

    :):):):)Thank you all.;););)
  5. guardiansheaven

    Hello Everybody

    hi guy:):):)
  6. guardiansheaven

    Announcement Impersonation of a GM in World Chat

    i see now. Thank you so much again.:):):)
  7. guardiansheaven

    Announcement Impersonation of a GM in World Chat

    I sent invitations to friends on other clients not too long ago. In response, they recommended these lies to me on Discord. Many thanks to this clear confirmation of Admin. And here you can send me an invitation to Discord because I can't get in. Thanks.
  8. guardiansheaven

    Guardian Guardian builds that could destroy any enemy

    In a few days, I built up the Archer for the battle. But I often die in the middle of battles. I was so frustrated that I wanted to change another class so I could play better. Maybe because I haven't built it properly. ok i will follow you on Discord. Thank you so much for your advice:):):)
  9. guardiansheaven

    Hatching Egg?

    Because I have't had a home yet, I didn't really understand this feature in the game. Thank you so much for this advice. Now i see that:):):);)
  10. guardiansheaven

    Selling why i cant purchase goods Dragon Insignias in Special?

    Thank you so much, Seiichi. Now i see.:):):)
  11. guardiansheaven

    Comment by 'guardiansheaven' in media 'DragonsProphet_20200509_061920'

    :eek::eek::eek:It looks gorgeous like a king:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
  12. guardiansheaven

    Hello Everybody

    Thank you so much, my friends. Glad to meet you. :):):) hi my friend. Nice to meet you.;););)
  13. guardiansheaven

    Game Tips Use the Wiki! Great info! Much Stuffs!

    Thank you so much for your share.
  14. guardiansheaven

    Dragon Dragon arena builds

    map of chest, it is important in game. Share this please:):):)
  15. guardiansheaven

    Guardian Guardian builds that could destroy any enemy

    I am also building the Guardian class. Thank you for these useful information.
  16. guardiansheaven

    Build Power for Acient Fable

    OMG they are so Beautiful and cool. Thank you so much for this, my friend.
  17. guardiansheaven

    Guide Mild lag reduction

    My CP is lag. Thank you so much for this tip, friend.
  18. guardiansheaven

    Guide Ostara Event Guide

    2 link die: Ostara Day Guide - Adventures in Auratia Easter Event 2014 Egg Locations & Public Event Guide - Adventures in Auratia . Anyway, Thank you so much for Your work
