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  1. Neoseptem

    fragen über fragen:)

    Naja zu Black Friday werden die Drachen nicht billiger, aber es werden alle adept exclusiven Drachen reingestellt (für 7500 Dias das Paket). Was ich dir auch empfehlen kann ist jeden Samstag um Mitternacht bei der GM Insel aufzutauchen, da gibt unser GM Hater nen paar Geschenke aus u.A. auch...
  2. Neoseptem

    Utyon in this version?

    Yes it's in this version, same with Kyron. Maybe if you pester Sei long enough he might be willing to put it in shop - no guarantee.
  3. Neoseptem

    Dragon skill exp

    You can also just level skills in lair with some trash dragons and then use skill crystals to transfer lv10 skills. But takes much longer that farming skill XP, still it's an alternative.
  4. Neoseptem

    Dragon skill exp

    TBH I don't really grind for dragon XP, but my go-to dungeon is Dunar, good XP and you get shards. If you JUST want XP either Corzine or Bloodlust imo.
  5. Neoseptem

    Phoenix Shoulder piece location

    The set can drop from the boss in Bloodstone Stronghold, Alentia. Your Level doesn't matter since it's fixed drop but you should run on hard regardless.
  6. Neoseptem

    Hydra taunt

    If you're talking about mob pulling then yes. Forbidden Roar + Mind Impact (evoskill) Fairly wide range and debuffs enemies, perfect for farming.
  7. Neoseptem

    Fast dragons

    Nope only Eseriel, Brasten Ouram and Samael. There are ingame ones you can tame/hatch: - Magical Silver - Hell Blood (egg only) - Carnelian Warden - Indigo Flame - Deep Abyss (egg only) - Golden Emperor (endgame dungeon) - Mountain Traveler (probably the easiest one to get)
  8. Neoseptem

    Favorite dragon from eggs? (LF reccs)

    Well two of my favourites are Grimreaper and Experimental Mecha Dragon You have to hatch both but are hard to get: first is the reward for completing Laedis 102 set and for the other you have to farm blueprint and materials

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