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  1. Neoseptem

    Bug Report China Dragon

    Same, never had one disappear on me, especially not after getting aggro. There were some instances of where I had problems finding them again when I wanted to tag them with my alt but never completely vanish.
  2. Neoseptem

    Bug Report China Dragon

    You can thank Kitalia for that. She tags them with her alt to make them easier to tame for others and to prevent people tagging them to lv113 - which i try to tame to get rid of them if it does happen.
  3. Neoseptem

    Bug Report Dragon speed abilities don't work

    Except the dragon skill 'Dragon Speed', that one stacks with 'Adept Dragon Trainer' or 'Field Runner'.
  4. Neoseptem

    Bug Report Warehouse Item Retrieval Broken

    Did you try buying another plot/appartment and remove stuff that way?
  5. Neoseptem

    Bug Report Nessus's skill bug

    This problem already existed in dp and never got fixed. For some reason the skills hitbox is positioned at the dragons center instead of the heads so it doesn't hit the target most of the time even with increased range due to evo skil. All Hydras got that problem.
  6. Neoseptem

    Bug Report Mounted combat bug?

    Huh, I didn't know that, so there is dragon armor with toughness. But yeah, lv98 armor doesn't help much endgame, especially since the lv105 set already got toughness on it.
  7. Neoseptem

    Bug Report Mounted combat bug?

    I don't think you can even get toughness on dragon armor, so you need it on your own armor.
  8. Neoseptem

    Bug Report Mounted combat bug?

    For some reason it's a feature that got introduced at some point. You need toughness on your equip to negate the slowing down, just one point is enough.

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