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  1. AlphaWulf

    Recruiting Defiant

    im not always on and Vith cant be on all the time but we do have officers and co leaders that can add you to Defiant, Onin, DustyRose, Dryadia etc just yell for a Defiant person lol (or Nothing To Lose since they are our allies)
  2. AlphaWulf

    Recruiting Defiant

    well youre always welcome in Defiant, just shout in world someone will get you :)
  3. AlphaWulf

    Recruiting Defiant

    i hate PvP but some people only join "PvP guilds" wanted to make sure those whp dont like PvP know we arent a pvp oriented guild
  4. AlphaWulf

    Recruiting Defiant

    Defiant Guild Leader Vithika We are always looking for new friendly faces! We are a non-drama, non PvP (i think) helpful, super friendly guild, looking for people to join us. We are also a guild from the EU server and we welcome all Defiant members from there to join us. pm me or Vith, or just...

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