What's new


  1. Seiichi

    Double Diamond Anniversary Sale 2/10-2/23

    We are having a Double Diamond sale starting tonight and ending February 21st (Friday) at 11:59 PST. You can purchase Diamonds here.
  2. Seiichi

    Double Diamond Anniversary Sale 2/16/24-2/18/24

    We are having another Double Diamond Bonus weekend starting tonight and ending Monday at 11:59 PM PST. You can purchase Diamonds here.
  3. Seiichi

    Dragon's Prophet Double Diamond Black Friday Sale 11/22-11/27

    We are having another Double Diamond Bonus weekend starting tonight and ending Monday at 11:59 PM PST. You can purchase Diamonds here.
  4. Y

    double up

    when will the next time be, if u have a planned date. want to save some up for it
  5. Seiichi

    Dragon's Prophet Double Diamond Black Friday Sale 11/26-11/30

    For Black Friday and Cyber Monday we will be having a Double Diamond sale until Monday night at 11:59PM PST. This will be the only Double Diamond sale until the end of the year, so take advantage of it while you can. You can purchase Diamonds here.
