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  1. K

    level up

    si quelquin a une astuce pour level up rapidement je suis preneur merci d'avance a tous ^^
  2. Nyteshade

    Game Tips Guide to getting Midas Moonlight Coins

    First, I want to say that I don't know how to do all the games so if you know how to do a game I didn't cover please add. They key to getting the coins is to complete the daily achievements for the events, not necessarily playing the games. To see them press O, click on Event. Dragon Hunt- My...
  3. thenewguyinred

    Question regarding data/progress

    Hello, my old gaming PC is running low on GB, and I've deleting/uninstalling old stuff to lighten my load. However I'm a very cautious individual as I dread the thought of deleting games I actually really like in fear that I might loose all of my progress. So what I wanna know, is all progress...
  4. Keys

    help for old ones

    I played Savage Hunt a long time ago, but forgott so much stuff and need all the infos about the dragon skill, the use of each dragen etc. Is there a place where i can find someone who can explain it all to me? xD Preferd in german haha
  5. Seiichi

    Guide Ways to organize and segment your guides

    We have added a few different tools for organizing guides, and for segmenting content within your post. Thread Catalog The thread catalog is a feature that can be used by utilizing the heading options under paragraph format; to display a different section you use the largest setting. To...
  6. Haildrake

    Guide Quantifying Companion XP

    Hi all this is Haildrake AKA Torrice in game and this is a quick helper guide to help your grind Battle Exp as fast as possible. Alright so 1st off here is a link to the basic overview of the dragon combat exp table on the dragon prophet wiki: Dragon Combat Skills It has things I will reference...
  7. Ultimate Lazard

    Game Tips Tech Tips for Possible issues

    Hey there everyone, this is a Thread that is aimed more toward any issues that could be fixed if anyone runs into this issue. Post an issue you have had and what steps were taken to fix said issue here! :D
