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  1. Venjox

    Suggestion Planned Pets buyable for Housing Zone?

    EN Do you think Buyable pets could be buyed into Shop, and placed after into the Housing Zone? Like they would be able to walk free arrount into it? The Idea came across as I has seen the Guild Room cat whos walking freely arround. ---- DE Was würdet Ihr von Kaufbaren Haustieren halten welche...
  2. Fratley

    about housing

    pls seiichi tell me how match cost the large place in the island 500x500 or 600x600 and where i need one
  3. C

    Suggestion Rejected Possibility of the Island "Misty Shroud"

    Hello to everybody, At First, I would like to say that english isn't my main language. So sorry, if there are some mistakes. o_O Some months ago i asked Seiichi, if there is a possibility to open / implement the Island "Misty Shroud". After my question I received the answer, that it's nothing...
  4. Anyi

    Housing Area with red Npc's?

    If i found an area for housing where Seichii can put a land warrant Will the red Npc still be there, or can they be removed?
