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  1. ZambieMaster

    Suggestion Companion loot potion (Permanent) & potential kindred assortments?

    I know I've suggested the companion loot pot before to have a permanent variant that you can purchase most likely with diamonds, this is just a small reminder of sorts that it's been suggested, but I had a secondary idea that I don't know if it could be implemented or not. The kindred compass...
  2. ZambieMaster

    Bug Report Glitchy animation for Loot pets/ Companions.

    Hello any staff member who may be reading! I've noticed lately that certain companion pets have been having animation bugs, and while I'm not sure if they can be fixed, I was suggested to make a report on the small issue. I've noticed the pets ( Dawn, Lilly and Leo in my case ) are supposed to...
  3. Seiichi

    Suggestion Implemented Loot Pet Conversion

    I'll be taking requests for loot pets here. I'm not going to guarantee all Dragons, NPC or mobs will be made into loot pets, but I'll at least consider most of them. I'll also only be doing this when I have free time, and when I feel like doing it as it's tedious and boring and is a bit time...
  4. Doomslayer

    Suggestion Rejected New Lootpet idea

    i designed this for a lootpet suggestion. name : Jhonny
