What's new


  1. Seiichi

    Black Friday Diamond & Custom Title Sale 2024 (11/27-12/02)

    All exclusive Dragons will be available until Monday at 11:59PM Pacific. We will also be putting custom titles on sale for that same period of time.
  2. Seiichi

    Black Friday Dragon & Title Sales 2023

    All exclusive Dragons will be available until Monday at 11:59PM Pacific. We will also be putting custom titles on sale for that same period of time.
  3. Luatan

    Bug Report Solved Title for Midnight Massacre is gone

    While scrolling through the titles, I realized that the title of Midnight Massacre is missing. I know that I got the title when I captured it. Others still seem to have the title. I guess its a bug with my char. I already tested to reegg the dragon with an instant egg, but it didnt work. As...
  4. SaintBeast

    Bug Report Solved Marktplace Exclusives title bonus???

    Heya, idk if its rly buggy maybe ? but the exclusive Sailfins have a title bonus of 1.5 on all stats and Dragon influence +3 compared to the Sylvaran Exclusive they have +3 on all stats and +9 on dragon affinity ? the old ones likes Nyssilth and galactic storm have +3 too. so Why sailfins...

    Bug Report Solved Title / Crown of Dragon Tournament missing

    Hi, i was really shocked today as there were no rewards for the past month of the dragon tournament - since i was putting a lot of time, effort and more than 100.000 of dragon insignias for the past 5 months to get the title and crown - and now that i finally reached it there is nothing??? since...
