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hi im interested in the 55 char and gear for a rogue/scout
the char name is Blades
thank you
hello, to give you the equipment promotion pack, create a character in the game and whisper to my GM Erzon.
contact in game to Danger, Dirt, Rory, Kodiek or Erzon
Eii, buenas soy matasuegras hace unos días que acabo de empezar en vuestro servidor y estaría interesado en poder hablar con alguien de staff.
buenas, perdón por tardan en responder, si quieres hablar en vivo con algún administrador, pásate por el discord.
Contacta con Danger o con migo, Erzon
Dear Dry, I have to send huge Thanks for the Christmas tree decorations at my house <3, it was a wonderful sight to see the tree. Again Many, many thanks <3.
Silk <3
Finally learning my way around this site, but how on earth do I participate in polls/forums? XoD
Many Thanks for your visit to my profile :)
Silk <3
kenneth s maher
kenneth s maher
was checking out the players that i have the pleasure to play with havent had the chance to do it sooner lol RL now i have lots of time

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