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Galactic flower

WhiteStallion- Hannibal. 3jpg


WhiteStallion- Hannibal. 3jpg

Grim Stallion Dragon

Grim Stallion - It is a close relative of the "White Stallion", but its darker counterpart. This creature is as rare as the rumors of its existence. The armor is covered in gold, and is made of an unknown dark metal that can withstand even the most incredible impact.

Grim Stallion Dragon

WhiteStallion Emerald


Hell Pony

Follower of Aeolus



Black Stallion

I went with the name The Black Stallion for this piece. I couldn't think up of a proper background story for him, but it's supposed to be a cursed twin to The White Stallion

Black Stallion

Mythical Pony Contest

Cannot think up of a name for this piece but I went in thinking along the lines of St. Patrick's Day or something

Mythical Pony Contest


Skullhorse :D


Skyhammer War Charger

Base = for texture coloring. Others = colors I picked for shading. Have fun. im feelin FANCY

Skyhammer War Charger

Frightmare Rainbow

WhiteStallion Milky Way


Night Stallion (not official name)

Dark Stallion (not official name)




Frightmare Black

WhiteStallion Brown

Nocta Umbral

Nocta Umbral is a mythical dragon inspired by the Lunar Forest in Alentia. Polarizing the White Stallion, it offers a darker variant of the armour and tone it possesses. I may experiment with more swatches in other entries later, as I was undecided whether to use a harsh red or not for the hair.

Nocta Umbral

2020-11-08 (3)


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