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Announcement Potential Ongoing Connection Issues

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We cannot ensure the quality of connection today as our data centers upstream provider has been getting hammered by a newly discovered Citrix exploit allowing for large scale DDoS attacks with little effort. The upstream provider is currently undergoing a large scale attack due to other services (Blizzard, Activision, and other large scale services) being targeted.

Because this is affecting the upstream provider, there is nothing we can do at our end currently.
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Oct 20, 2016
Why are they attacking so much ? Man i dont get it ...
This is something that happens every year; Black Friday, Christmas, New Years. These are times where people are often at home or playing games or using services, and a lot of these wannabe hackers will attack to make a name for themselves (and eventually get caught and arrested).

In this particular instance, Citrix, a company that provides tools for remote working and other solutions has a major exploit that allows their service to act as a botnet, which is why there have been a lot of DDoS lately.

For the most part we don't have issues with our data center, and they're actually amazingly quick to respond and deal with issues for us. The issue has been the upstream provider, and the fact that other companies are in the cross hair and it ends up affecting us.
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Oct 20, 2016
Well in this Case we just have to chill i guess till this Bullshit ends...
The server is currently online and connectable, so it's not actually a problem right now.

The issue is that it could still be a problem off and on due to the nature of DDoS attacks, and the fact that it's very easy to DDoS right now with the Citrix exploit.


May 13, 2020
Dann wollen wir mal hoffen das diese "Möchtegern" bald die Lust verlieren oder wieder etwas anderes zu tun haben ^^
Man kann nur hoffen das möglichst viele von denen gefaßt werden , anderen den Spaß verderben nur um sich ins Bild zu setzen ist doch krank ^^
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Oct 20, 2016
Dann wollen wir mal hoffen das diese "Möchtegern" bald die Lust verlieren oder wieder etwas anderes zu tun haben ^^
Man kann nur hoffen das möglichst viele von denen gefaßt werden , anderen den Spaß verderben nur um sich ins Bild zu setzen ist doch krank ^^
This isn't currently an issue.
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