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  1. ArchieVision

    Housing Contest Discussion

    Have 2 contests. 1 for those with smaller than 700 x 700 plots and then another for those 700 x 700 or bigger.
  2. ArchieVision

    Housing Contest Discussion

    That looks amazing. We should have the best decorating contests!!!
  3. ArchieVision

    Help with Breeders Diary

    There are 100's of quests that were cut right after porthis came out. SOE had RuneWanker remove them to reduce the grind. I remember so many that are no longer ingame that were fun to do. Like one in Peritia that you had to catch 10 of the Cranes by the second town. And You could not agro them...
  4. DragonsProphet_20180216_130421


  5. DragonsProphet_20180217_062627


  6. DragonsProphet_20180219_220313


  7. DragonsProphet_20180221_012005


  8. ArchieVision

    Sage and The Great Lvl 113 Noodle

    113 mil Health, now that is a fight!
  9. ArchieVision

    Chinese Valentines Event

    Catches Tables, sets it down, and proceeds to draw up battle plans for the capture of all noodles.
  10. ArchieVision

    Chinese Valentines Event

    2 Hours People!!!
  11. ArchieVision

    Buying Green Incubators.

    Hi all, I am looking to buy 10 of the green incubator nests. Let me know your price per. Reigha is my ingame name
  12. ArchieVision

    Chinese Valentines Event

    I am just so interested in to Chinese dragons that will start spawning next week. Gotta get me a few
  13. DragonsProphet_20180203_154839


  14. DragonsProphet_20180204_080921


  15. DragonsProphet_20180204_081419


  16. DragonsProphet_20180206_040205


  17. DragonsProphet_20180207_100510


  18. ArchieVision

    Chinese Valentines Event

    OK, Thanks for the answer. I so wanted them to be longer than 1 week but, that is how it goes. One more question if you do not mind. I know they take over the ancients paths when they spawn, but do you know if the frequency of the spawns will be more perhaps? Like once a day or something. I...
  19. E003b107-14ef-47e6-9859-5df4013e8d77


  20. ArchieVision

    What is up with all the Spam Lately?

    That sucks. If there was not a cool down ont he reporting, I would help clean it up for you by reporting it when I see it.
