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  1. Exceddius


  2. Exceddius

    Helloo :D

  3. Exceddius


    Hello! Have fun!
  4. Exceddius

    Introduction: I'm so glad to see DP!

    Welcome and have fun!
  5. Exceddius

    Black Friday Dragon & Title Sales 2023

    Time to buy the fluffy wolf.
  6. Exceddius

    I still wait updates

    I hope the update will come one day! If I can help with dragon skins or anything else, don't hesitate.
  7. Exceddius

    Suggestion More dragon transformations?

    I'd love to see the most iconic dragons in transformation like Liquid Silver, Balge and others.
  8. Exceddius

    Need settings to play fluently

    The problem is often the pc. Playing in full screen and reducing open applications on your PC, unfortunately there are no real miracles. You can also reduce the quality of the game, a lot of fog and shadows are not necessary.
  9. Exceddius

    double up

    double up?
  10. Exceddius

    Sneak-Peeks of New Dragons

    Covid? Take care of yourself, Aiden!
  11. Exceddius

    Finnaly, I can reenter the fantastic world of Dragon's Prophet

    Have fun! This server is the best!
  12. Exceddius

    Favorite dragon from eggs? (LF reccs)

    My favourite dragon is Liquid Silver. In the past on EU, LS was my goal to get him and was very hard to get.
  13. Exceddius

    How active is this server?

    A lot of players play a bit, stop, come back, wait for new content to come back... Many of us watch the game and play by period.
  14. Exceddius


    ... What is 9dragon2?
  15. Exceddius

    Dragon Preview Amaguq, the Frostborn Predator

    Wolf dragon.... aahhh... perfect!
  16. Exceddius

    Game Alive ?

    Always alive!
  17. Exceddius

    maitrise de l'archer

    Bonjour ! Je n'ai jamais vraiment joué archer sur DP, mais principalement ça se jouait avec des pierres de dégâts draconiques plus qu'autre chose si mes souvenirs ancestraux sont bons.
  18. Exceddius

    Bug Report Solved increased Dragon texture quality

    You don't have to set the texture quality to the minimum...
  19. Exceddius

    Bug Report Solved increased Dragon texture quality

    Can't you lower the texture quality in option?

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