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  1. Exceddius

    Dragon Preview Introducing: Nyssilth, the Toxic Tyrant

    Thank you for continuing to bring Dragon's Prophet to life with new contents! I will think about name ideas! I'll post them here later!
  2. Exceddius

    Sad with eggs system.

    I think you should not hesitate to search dancers using megaphones. If you explain your situation, the players will come every day to take care of your egg! Sorry that you have encountered so much trouble for Zios...
  3. Exceddius

    Sneak-Peeks of New Dragons

    I join your patreon to encourage you, even if I don't know how long I can support you, I will do my best! Your dragons are really incredibles. I have a crush on the last one, it is really fascinating! <3
  4. Exceddius

    New player here, old DP player back in the day

    Hello and welcome to the community! It's nice to see that you like the game so much! Be aware that yes, RW has stopped DP and will not do anything for DP/SH EU anymore. That's why I'm here. To answer your question, the server is stable and there are still updates here. We even have new...
  5. Exceddius

    Dragon Conversion Wishlist

    As for Diodus, the problem is that you have to cut his hair... Because the hair hide the rider.
  6. Exceddius

    Old NA Player here!

    Hello! Welcome to the best DP server!
  7. Exceddius

    Weekly Maintenance 10/21/2019

    Thank you for your work!
  8. Exceddius

    Developer Update Text wall update

    Thank you for your work! I can't wait to see it! more more more dragoooooooons!!
  9. Exceddius

    Dragon Conversion Wishlist

    Alentia (first part of the map)
  10. Exceddius

    Dragon Conversion Wishlist

    I don't have the name... But he is nice.
  11. Exceddius

    Which dragon family do you prefer? Part 1

    For my personnal Top3: - Fabled ancient (like "basic Dragon") - Duskreaver (like "Cat is my spirit animal Dragon") - Assault (like "Berserker Dragon")
  12. Exceddius

    Announcement Galactic Storm Official Release

    The video is nice! Thank you all for hard works!
  13. Exceddius

    Marketplace Requests

    Oh, a shame for me... :cc
  14. Exceddius

    Marketplace Requests

    If on occasion Gilded Champion can come back, I would be delighted! RuneWaker is waiting for his brother.
  15. Exceddius

    Dragon Conversion Wishlist

    I don't know the name of this NCP Dragon... It's a Fabled Ancient from the latest map of the game, it appears in history as an ally. It was a new model, a blue/gray dragon, that I liked very much.
  16. Exceddius

    Suggestion Expansion of Dragon spawn/search methods.

    True, new RNG flutes would be interesting. I know that many people don't like RNG, but this increases the rarity of the rare dragon and the length of the game to get it. For the time of the flutes, you are right...
  17. Exceddius

    Suggestion Expansion of Dragon spawn/search methods.

    Hello Heroine and thank you for your suggestions! Your ideas are really interesting. Of course, it must be something possible for the development team. I think changing a zone for a dragon every 30 minutes would be really hard to produce... Other than your ideas, I always found it a shame that...
  18. Exceddius

    Dragon Preview Introducing: Galactic Storm

    He is really handsome! Its a good job! You are well on your way to keeping this game alive (bc players want just to tame and collect new dragons...).
  19. Exceddius

    Dragon Armor enchanting and Sharding?

    It depends on the dragon equipment. All can't be destroyed. (hmm... I think it's the equipment we drop after the lv90).

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