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  1. Exceddius

    Developer Update Belated Anniversary Development Update

    Thank you for your hard work.
  2. Exceddius

    Where do you come from?

    I'm from France or Baguette land
  3. Exceddius

    Suggestion Rejected Soul Gaze System

    You have to play to get dragons, if that's your question... (Yes, farm gold is easy and fast in DP, perfect for collectors)
  4. Exceddius

    oubli de speudo et mot de passe

    En effet, merci à toi d'être là ! : p
  5. Exceddius

    oubli de speudo et mot de passe

    (Dès que je peux continuer la traduction du jeu en français, promis je le ferais, et j'ouvrirais un topic pour qu'on puisse repport les erreurs et problèmes)
  6. Exceddius

    oubli de speudo et mot de passe

    Dans ton inventaire une fois le tuto passé !
  7. Exceddius

    oubli de speudo et mot de passe

    Bonjour, Pour résumer le post de Seiichi, tu dois créer un nouveau compte sur le lien qu'il donné. Tu as devoir créer un nouveau personnage, mais rassure toi, il y a un pack qui te mettra directement lv65 avec un dragon offert. Seiichi précise aussi qu'il y a souvent des GM events avec des...
  8. Exceddius

    Dragon Preview Introducing: Yan Yu, the Cosmic Emperor

    Very nice work Aiden! Thank you!
  9. Exceddius

    Dragon Preview Introducing: Zuo Ran, the Lover's String

    My (soon) first pink dragon! Thank you, Aiden!
  10. Exceddius

    Suggestion Rejected Soul Gaze System

    My dream on DP is to search for dragons on maps again... It was really something I loved. I was the first player on the FR server to have Krondrazi and Golden Diode. Indeed, those dragons marked me. Likewise, Liquid Silver is the dragon I had the hardest time getting at the time, it became my...
  11. Exceddius

    Suggestion Rejected Soul Gaze System

    The message posted by Seiichi responds to your message.
  12. Exceddius

    Suggestion Rejected Soul Gaze System

    The Soul Gaze feature is bad... It's not capturing a dragon, it's not getting a rare dragon egg, it's really just seeing an item to open in your inventory... I think dragons deserve better treatment, even if it will take time.
  13. Exceddius

    Sneak-Peeks of New Dragons

    I just found out which Asian dragon will be lv100 on my character! As always, thank you for your incredible work!
  14. Exceddius

    Guide Updated - 3/2020 | Dungeon Ancient Location, Tips Farming Guide

    The soul gazes version in DP is the purple egg with ancient dragons. But I like your idea!
  15. Exceddius

    Marketplace Requests

    I wonder if it would be possible to have the iconic dragons in transformations. Like Liquid Silver, Balge or the dragons of the celestial islands (Kondrazi and others). Thanks~
  16. Exceddius

    Guide All the new dragons and how to get them.

    Thank you for this answer! It would be really interesting to have this kind of dragons on the game. It would make the "exploration" very interesting.
  17. Exceddius

    Guide All the new dragons and how to get them.

    Thank you for the guide! So, Is Tigara available in the wild?
  18. Exceddius

    Preparation for Chinese New Year

  19. Exceddius

    Dragon's Prophet Weekly Maintenance 12/21/2020

    Ceresa is so beautiful omg Thank you, all!

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