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  • Users: SaintBeast
  • Content: Threads
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  1. SaintBeast

    Selling WTS MAG DMG shards

    anyone want to buy magic dmg shards?
  2. SaintBeast

    Buying WTB Orange Bow lv.108

    WTB Orange lv.108 Bow wsp/me
  3. SaintBeast

    Buying WTB Phy shards

    Want to Buy Phy dmg Shards whisper me ingame: SaintBeast or message me here to talk about prices.
  4. SaintBeast

    Bug Report Solved Marktplace Exclusives title bonus???

    Heya, idk if its rly buggy maybe ? but the exclusive Sailfins have a title bonus of 1.5 on all stats and Dragon influence +3 compared to the Sylvaran Exclusive they have +3 on all stats and +9 on dragon affinity ? the old ones likes Nyssilth and galactic storm have +3 too. so Why sailfins...
  5. SaintBeast

    Buying Want to Buy DSD/DZS Shards

    Hey I do want to buy dsd/dzs shards I would buy energy 302 , 457(or equals) up to 1.4k shards so basically I do buy all kind of energy. Message me here or hit me up ingame : SaintBeast 80k each 302, we can talk ingame too about payment.
  6. SaintBeast

    Recruiting Guild Abyss

    Heyho, Guys ! Abyss is a guild with a focus on endgame content (PVE and PVP). Our main memberbase consists of players with knowledge of all classes and areas of the game. This knowledge will be passed down to newer members with the mentoring from more experienced players. To join, you must be...
  7. SaintBeast

    Suggestion Dragon Family : Phantom´s [Draconic Soulbond]

    Hey, Idk if its maybe buggy or just RW wering stupid and lazy... But the Phantom´Dragons like Brasten Narotte/Phantasma etc. they got the +25% Healing Power buff with using Draconic Soulbond..but here is the issue with it... They do not even have 1 Heal skill in mounting combat...and after all...
  8. SaintBeast

    Buying Want to Buy NAT dmg shards

    302 = 25k 462 = 250k Higher ones => wsp/me ingame "SaintBeast"
  9. SaintBeast

    Suggestion Rejected Option Pick Fav. Dragon Partner

    Hey, maybe it´s possible to add in future an option where you can choose the Dragon Partner + the stats he will buff... so you can take the partner and buffs you want 100%..of curse it can be bit more expensive. But still I think it could be a good option.
  10. SaintBeast

    Buying Want to Buy Dragon Spell Damage Shards

    I want to Buy Dragon Spell Damage Shards Energy : 302 = 100k Energy : 457 = 600k Energy : 539 = 1,2kk Energy : 636 = 2,4kk Energy : 750 = 4,6kk Energy : 884 = 9,2kk Energy : 1043 = 18,4kk Energy : 1230 = 36,8kk I also would trade Shards If you guys need...
  11. SaintBeast

    Buying Want to Buy Dias / Platinum

    Hey Guys, I´ld like to buy some Dias and Platinum. Reply here or whisper me Ingame -> SaintBeast EDIT: No need anymore
  12. SaintBeast

    Bug Report Redfeet abusing If you run out of AP

    If you run out of AP or if you get animation canceled you can still abuse the redfeet bug.
  13. SaintBeast

    Suggestion Blue Fire Aura Effect for Characters

    Hello Guys, I added a Screenshot/ Picture with a Character standing in blue fire...its out of CotP. if there would be a possibility to get this as a Aura would be rly nice :)
  14. SaintBeast

    Bug Report Sorcerer Redfeet still in the game

    Heyho, Sorcerer still get the redfeet effect by using the following skills with swapped weapons: Flaming Tornado Icy Tonado Stonebody
  15. SaintBeast

    Suggestion Rejected Improving Dragons due beeing able overstating dragon equipment

    (before It actually start.... Sorry for bad english grammer incoming ! ) Hey, Guys, can you may take a look on Dragon Armor ? It is a bit sad that you currently can't improve the stats on armor for your dragon’s. I mean they have a lover level then the actual mobs so it would be rlly nice (...
  16. SaintBeast

    Suggestion Adding Attribute Stones V and Charisma IV stones

    Btw is it possible to add new Attribut stones? Like attributes V or even a charisma IV stone :o Charisma stones are rly to weak atm cause they are just Charisma II ... but charisma aswell excist as IV so stones would be nice :) and we do need attribute V stones so we can better overstat 108 gear...
  17. SaintBeast

    Suggestion Rejected Laedis Hero Costume Set? Maybe recoloured ?=

    Hey, would it be possible to add Laedis hero set ( weapons + maybe new created laedis offhand costumes) to the item shop? so you can have it as costume ? :D without need to do 102 weapon as costume...:X maybe option for adding recoloured versions ? would kill to have a recoloured "laedis weapon"...
  18. SaintBeast

    Suggestion Planned Expand Dye System + Increased Colors

    Hey, would it be possible to add the option for colouring weapons? so the boring weapons can get a new colour :D? would be nice. because there are a lot of weapons in game with a boring a bleched colour :D even if you would add an item to buy with diamonds so you can change colour of weapons...
