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  1. ZambieMaster

    Dragon Conversion Wishlist

    Not sure if this would be possible, what about Zekriloth (or his sons) since they have what appears to be the Razorspine model or more like Iciclaws, Red lotus and such. They're not tamable currently but they are found around Bladeguard Relique and in the dungeon of the same name in Porthis. I'd...
  2. ZambieMaster

    Suggestion Companion loot potion (Permanent) & potential kindred assortments?

    I know I've suggested the companion loot pot before to have a permanent variant that you can purchase most likely with diamonds, this is just a small reminder of sorts that it's been suggested, but I had a secondary idea that I don't know if it could be implemented or not. The kindred compass...
  3. ZambieMaster

    Suggestion Dragon costume previews

    I feel like any means of it working would be a benefit tbh so I hope things work out for it c: !
  4. ZambieMaster

    Suggestion Dragon costume previews

    So I've noticed a good 90% or so of the player costumes all have previews with them, but seemingly none of the dragon costumes have previews to them at all. While I'm not for certain if this is possible, but maybe whatever dragon is your current dragon or out in world, lets say Skitter for ex...

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