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  1. Windmastery

    Suggestion Farming riding points

    - Boost Riding Exercise from 5pts to 240~250pts every 30s; - Currently it takes around 170.000~180.000 points or so to max a riding skill, taking 36.000 (300 hours, as it activates once every 30s) activations to max one skill. - With this suggested change, it would take 750 activations...
  2. G

    Crystal farming on sky Islands- useful skills?

    Hey gamers, I have a question for you. Are skills like "Advanced Oracle Blessing" or "Advanced Brillance of luck" helpful to get more crystals or the other items in napolite mines? Thx for your help!! Greetings Galban
  3. derkiler

    Suggestion Rejected Level Limitter

    Hey there :) I would like to see, if someone else want a Level Limitter. Maybe someone else know this from other games, like me. Why: It would be able to stay on specific Levels, which allows you to farm like: - Costume/Skins - Gear (overstatting/105 gear/..) - Dragon Skill leveling ->...
