What's new


  1. Wolfstar21

    Laedis 102 Gear

    Which piece of the Laedis gear do people think is the easiest to get? Neckless, ring, ear rings?
  2. brezel1.png


    Can you try to find out how many dragons are taking part on this screen?))
  3. born.png


    So, our guild has not posted anything for a long time - media is not the most popular part of this website)) but yesterday we did some amazing screens with new dragons and this week we will present these. This is the first picture, but not the last) "The place where dragons come to the world"
  4. HalloLaedis.jpg


    Halloween in Laiedis
  5. Kazunokun

    Bug Report Elemental Res buff for full laedis disappearing every now and then

    So this is a pretty minor thing as it only happens every minute or so for like a second at a time, but the 7 piece set effect for ele Res from the Laedis 102 set seems to disappear. I can't confirm if it really does disappear or if the UI just doesn't catch up with the stats in game when the...
  6. M

    About Laedis 94 and 102 sets

    Hi can anyone advice on how to complete the laedis 94 and 102 sets solo if possible? Currently lv93 Guardian.
  7. Laedis.jpg


  8. Spiritual Realm Set

    Spiritual Realm Set

  9. Ranger's Set

    Ranger's Set

  10. Magic Set

    Magic Set

  11. Investigator's Set

    Investigator's Set

  12. Hunter Set

    Hunter Set

    Buggy for female model
  13. Honor Set

    Honor Set

  14. Holy War Set

    Holy War Set

  15. Black Magic Set

    Black Magic Set

  16. D

    Buying Buying 1 handed Laedis Scepter Lvl 102 (sorcerer weapon)

    Hey all i m buying that 1 handed Laedis scepter level 102. Drop me a pm here if u selling :D Thanks in advance
  17. watson

    New map for game? Laedis 108?

    i wait for the new map and Laedis 108 so long. Can those wishes become true?:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:??????
  18. DragonsProphet_20180206_040205


  19. Skywo Plains

    Skywo Plains

  20. Skywo Plains

    Skywo Plains
