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  1. ZambieMaster

    Bug Report Glitchy animation for Loot pets/ Companions.

    Hello any staff member who may be reading! I've noticed lately that certain companion pets have been having animation bugs, and while I'm not sure if they can be fixed, I was suggested to make a report on the small issue. I've noticed the pets ( Dawn, Lilly and Leo in my case ) are supposed to...
  2. Venjox

    Suggestion Implemented More Different Lootpets

    EN More Pets / Lootpets like Foxes, Wolves and maybe aswell flying one? De Mehr Haustiere / Lootpets welche noch nicht vorhanden sind, so etwas wie Füchse, Wölfe oder fliegende wie Papageien?
  3. Venjox

    Suggestion Planned Pets buyable for Housing Zone?

    EN Do you think Buyable pets could be buyed into Shop, and placed after into the Housing Zone? Like they would be able to walk free arrount into it? The Idea came across as I has seen the Guild Room cat whos walking freely arround. ---- DE Was würdet Ihr von Kaufbaren Haustieren halten welche...
  4. Doomslayer

    Pivargo Fanart

    a small handpainted floof ^^ i just love this pet
  5. Doomslayer

    Suggestion Rejected New Lootpet idea

    i designed this for a lootpet suggestion. name : Jhonny
  6. Awsom Spike :D

    Awsom Spike :D

  7. Seiichi

    Introduce your pet!

    Use this thread to post all of the pictures of your pets.
