Saturday at 8:23 PM Replies: 1 Staff We are having another 30% Diamond Bonus weekend starting tonight and ending Sunday at 11:59 PST. You can purchase Diamonds here. Click to expand...
We are having another 30% Diamond Bonus weekend starting tonight and ending Sunday at 11:59 PST. You can purchase Diamonds here.
Saturday at 8:24 PM Thread starter Staff #2 Seiichi Manager Staff member Management Game Master 1 1 1 1 3 31 Days of Holidays (2022) Oct 20, 2016 2,034 2,454 Sale was activated a bit late and announced late as I've been busy last two days, but I will run it until Maintenance this Monday to make up for it.
Sale was activated a bit late and announced late as I've been busy last two days, but I will run it until Maintenance this Monday to make up for it.