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Oct 2, 2017

- Boost Riding Exercise from 5pts to 240~250pts every 30s;
- Currently it takes around 170.000~180.000 points or so to max a riding skill, taking 36.000 (300 hours, as it activates once every 30s) activations to max one skill.
- With this suggested change, it would take 750 activations (Roughly 6 hours) to max a skill.

- Raise the price of the skill to 2500 Dragon Insignias (from 1500) OR create a new skill (1500 Diamonds)

- Include Riding points chests as final boss rewards for

Shadow of Hadubis and Yermizaar - Dunar Temple
- War mode: No change.

- Moderate difficulty mode: No change.

- Hard Difficulty:
Riding points chest 100pts;

Sardok - Nucleus of Time
- War mode: No change.

- Moderate difficulty mode: No change.

- Hard Difficulty:
Riding points chest 300pts;

Racmon the Demon Hoof - Racmon Grotto
- War mode: No change.

- Moderate difficulty mode: No change.

- Hard Difficulty:
Riding points chest 500pts

Remove the daily cap of riding points acquired from dungeons (currently 1.000) OR increase it (to 5.000)
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