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Using the introduction thread to ask thing....


Apr 29, 2024
Hello !

Because i already made a introduction post on the forum and to check the '' create a introdution post '' task, i would ask a few question....

1rst : I don't see all dragon in the shop like Sadras, Archon, Skardis etc etc.... So did they will be available one day ?

2nd : Is there is a way to recover my old account ? I'v got a lot of dragon on the original dragon Prophet game but i forget the password and i don't see a way to ask for a new one ?

3rd : If i buy a dragon with a character, did this dragon will be available for futur one ?

4rth : Did there is a way to disable the changing in size of dragon when we mount and dismount them?

Thank for futur answer and have a nice day !
Last edited:


Feb 16, 2023
Some dragons that are marketplace only are put out during certain times of the year or are cycled through monthly. Your old account from the original server is gone forever because that server was shut down. Only a select few dragons are transferred to all the characters on the account. Every dragon you buy will generally only be available to the character on that account that buys it. Most will say in the item description if it will. As far as I know, there is no way to scale the dragons to different sizes.

Hope this helps! Good gaming! :)


Apr 29, 2024
Hello WhyteWulfe and thank a lot for you'r answer !

That help a lot and i got every information i need. Thank again and have good gaming to you too :D
Hello !

Because i already made a introduction post on the forum and to check the '' create a introdution post '' task, i would ask a few question....

1rst : I don't see all dragon in the shop like Sadras, Archon, Skardis etc etc.... So did they will be available one day ?

2nd : Is there is a way to recover my old account ? I'v got a lot of dragon on the original dragon Prophet game but i forget the password and i don't see a way to ask for a new one ?

3rd : If i buy a dragon with a character, did this dragon will be available for futur one ?

4rth : Did there is a way to disable the changing in size of dragon when we mount and dismount them?

Thank for futur answer and have a nice day !
Hi Alfa,

lot of questions. Will try to help asw much as possible.

to Q1: The dragons that you mentioned are part of the so called monthly dragons. so if every works well, they are for salwe once a year. Unfortunately GM most time very busy ===> no monthly dragons about 6 times a year.^^

to Q2: Definite NO! you are playing on a totaly different server and GAmogo/Infernum killed all old data

to Q3: Only if it is an accountwide dragon futre chars on same account will get a marketplace dragon as well that you bought for Alfa already. It is wweitten in the descriptiom of the eggs usually whether they are accountwide or not.

to Q4: Sorry but never noticed a change of dragon's size when mountin/dismouting


Apr 29, 2024
Hello Eggshell and thank you too for the answer !

I'm quit sad because when i play the first day on this server i see Magmaron ( my fav dragon ) on sale and i was thinking he will be available for a few hour every month so i hope i will not have to wait a whole year to get it !

But again thank for the answer , and have a nice day :)
