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Recent content by SaintBeast

  1. SaintBeast

    Selling WTS MAG DMG shards

    anyone want to buy magic dmg shards?
  2. SaintBeast

    Buying WTB Orange Bow lv.108

    WTB Orange lv.108 Bow wsp/me
  3. SaintBeast

    Bug Report Solved war event on isle´s

    change Territory war time so its good for EU player? you know its an US server or ? and the times made for US ppl ?
  4. SaintBeast

    Event Crystalline Chaos Contest Winners

    yeah to be honest place 11 and 12 are mostly the best looking ones. no front but place 9 and 10 are rly boring :/ sorry
  5. SaintBeast

    Event Crystalline Chaos Contest Winners

    it´´s sad I was hoping we would gonna get nice birds :( ( no front) but i dont understand place 10 :X it´s basically just a white one with a bit of blue stuff :/
  6. SaintBeast

    Suggestion Guild Technology - Dragon for Hire

    I think the source update dont do any change on the UI. UI update should be a seperate thing i guess
  7. SaintBeast

    Announcement Completed PSA: All Exclusive Dragons Available This Monday

    so we dont get that sale I guess or ? when it will be on mp.?
  8. SaintBeast

    On going harassment from Eiiy.

    yeah I would agree, keep me out of this.
  9. SaintBeast

    On going harassment from Eiiy.

    I dont get the sense why calling my name and then "and several others" so yeah call their names to or pls stop always calling me ?
  10. SaintBeast

    On going harassment from Eiiy.

    lol sure, may just stop bringing me in all that stuff ^^
  11. SaintBeast

    On going harassment from Eiiy.

    why I am always getting mentioned if drama starts xD I´m a rly rly nice person :)
