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Suggestion Rejected Soul Gaze System

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Jan 4, 2018
Hello, I feel that what could really make this version shine, would be introducing the soul gaze system that gamigo currently has in their dragon prophet game version, called savage hunt. This system, gives people a small chance (probably around 10-40% depending on dungeon), of the dungeon boss dropping an item called a soul gaze. This item when used reveals a hidden giant egg that can be collected in the boss room by only the person who used the soul gaze (also if not used, the soul gaze dissapears from inventory upon exiting the dungeon). This egg gives one of usually 5 different cash shop dragons, each dungeon having a different static set of 5 in them except for the first beginning dungeon (consus cave only having 1, brimstone glow). This system made their version very fun to play, giving it a pokemon vibe, collecting all the cool dragon models and working hard to earn one rather than just buying one outright. I feel that implimenting the system on this version, besides excluding maybe a few cash dragons from it, or creating new skins of dragons to sell in cash shop instead, would make the game feel fresh and exciting. It would also elevate this version of Dragons Prophet to the overall superior version in all sense of the word, pricing, gaming experience, community, etc. & it would attract over the majority of the players who went to savage hunt specifically for the new soul gaze system.

This is just a suggestion but I feel it could really make this version extremely popular and bring a larger influx of new players into it. & as you know, happy players are more likely to spend money on the version they enjoy, especially for simple things like cosmetics/costumes or perfecting their favorite dragon.


Oct 20, 2016
Hello, I feel that what could really make this version shine, would be introducing the soul gaze system that gamigo currently has in their dragon prophet game version, called savage hunt. This system, gives people a small chance (probably around 10-40% depending on dungeon), of the dungeon boss dropping an item called a soul gaze. This item when used reveals a hidden giant egg that can be collected in the boss room by only the person who used the soul gaze (also if not used, the soul gaze dissapears from inventory upon exiting the dungeon). This egg gives one of usually 5 different cash shop dragons, each dungeon having a different static set of 5 in them except for the first beginning dungeon (consus cave only having 1, brimstone glow). This system made their version very fun to play, giving it a pokemon vibe, collecting all the cool dragon models and working hard to earn one rather than just buying one outright. I feel that implimenting the system on this version, besides excluding maybe a few cash dragons from it, or creating new skins of dragons to sell in cash shop instead, would make the game feel fresh and exciting. It would also elevate this version of Dragons Prophet to the overall superior version in all sense of the word, pricing, gaming experience, community, etc. & it would attract over the majority of the players who went to savage hunt specifically for the new soul gaze system.

This is just a suggestion but I feel it could really make this version extremely popular and bring a larger influx of new players into it. & as you know, happy players are more likely to spend money on the version they enjoy, especially for simple things like cosmetics/costumes or perfecting their favorite dragon.
The Soul Gaze feature really doesn't add much value to Dragon's Prophet itself, at least mechanically. It's half baked functionality that doesn't expand upon the lore, or original gameplay of the game.

We have had a similar feature planned since before Savage Hunt launched, but it still needs some planning and then a proof of concept on our test server before we'll announce the details of it.


May 13, 2020
I suggest starting a poll and letting players decide if they want soul gazes back in the game, as private server leaves an option to receive additional stuff and has own rules


May 13, 2020
The Soul Gaze feature is bad... It's not capturing a dragon, it's not getting a rare dragon egg, it's really just seeing an item to open in your inventory... I think dragons deserve better treatment, even if it will take time.
And you can capture most of the dragons, second main way is hatching, first is hard for beginners without all skills and stuff + everyone knows lags in this game, second take much time and nests. The only way to get a dragon in other way is buying it and 1 weekly on GM event, nothing else


Oct 20, 2016
And you can capture most of the dragons, second main way is hatching, first is hard for beginners without all skills and stuff + everyone knows lags in this game, second take much time and nests. The only way to get a dragon in other way is buying it and 1 weekly on GM event, nothing else
The same Gacha that you get during the GM event is available at all times on the Kindred compass. It contains practically every Dragon in the game, with the exception of exclusive Dragons, and ones we cycle every month.

While it is hypocritical, because I did implement the Gacha with every Dragon, I do not like mechanics that devalue the experience of capturing Dragons, as that is generally the most meaningful memory players have about Dragon's Prophet. Practically every player, especially older players, will have at least one Dragon they have a connection with because it was the first they captured, or the first important one they captured.

This is something that you lose with the egg system, and something that the Soul Gaze system devalued further. It is why a lot of what we have planned is to make capturing Dragons easier to do, and to add more value and meaning to capturing Dragons again.

The other reason we plan to implement our own system is so that we can encourage exploring the game again, and making that rewarding.
My dream on DP is to search for dragons on maps again... It was really something I loved.

I was the first player on the FR server to have Krondrazi and Golden Diode. Indeed, those dragons marked me. Likewise, Liquid Silver is the dragon I had the hardest time getting at the time, it became my favourite. I like RW dragon because it was impossible to get it on EU.

The important thing in a game is not to get what you want, it's the path you're going to take to get it that's important. If there is a story, if there has been difficulty, if it has taken time, then the goal achieved will be better.



Apr 3, 2017
Soul gaze system would ruin the game.

Farming dungeons with friends till the dragons spawn in it is way more fun and makes more sense compared to just "click" an item in bag.

After Seii added so many different and new dragons to dungeons its a nice way to get many dragons for free...I dont get why you say there is no option to get dragons just the gm event? that is just not true what you said Freylea


May 13, 2020
Soul gaze system would ruin the game.

Farming dungeons with friends till the dragons spawn in it is way more fun and makes more sense compared to just "click" an item in bag.

After Seii added so many different and new dragons to dungeons its a nice way to get many dragons for free...I dont get why you say there is no option to get dragons just the gm event? that is just not true what you said Freylea
Then everyone has luck to find dragons on maps and spawns in dungeon, for me it's sooo extremly rare, yet when I found wild dragon I wasn't able to capture it ;)


Oct 20, 2016
Then everyone has luck to find dragons on maps and spawns in dungeon, for me it's sooo extremly rare, yet when I found wild dragon I wasn't able to capture it ;)

Spawning in dungeons is easily trackable... The point system is made public, and you can track the points to spawn specific dragons in any zone. Look in the guide section and you can read how the point system works by Heroine, or which Dragons spawn where.

As far as wild spawning Dragons, you can use the spawn calendar (which we will be updating) and the maps available on the English wiki.

For capturing dragons, you can use the Draconic Influence potions which are on the shell or diamond market, which should help. We are also going to look at simplifying the system a bit for those that have mobility issues or disabilities.


May 13, 2020
I know, the main point of soul gazes was possibility to get dragons not available on maps and in dungeons, like i miss goldframe, fleeting dream and blueberry, also i spent lots of time on SH to find a gaze with white stallion that I didn't get in the end. Those are only in shop now


Apr 3, 2017
I know, the main point of soul gazes was possibility to get dragons not available on maps and in dungeons, like i miss goldframe, fleeting dream and blueberry, also i spent lots of time on SH to find a gaze with white stallion that I didn't get in the end. Those are only in shop now
so you want the game gift you everything you want to have ? that´s not how a game work after it is already play for free ofc there will be stuff like dragons in shop....otherwise you cant run Dp.


May 13, 2020
so you want the game gift you everything you want to have ? that´s not how a game work after it is already play for free ofc there will be stuff like dragons in shop....otherwise you cant run Dp.
I'm not saying it, I'm into possibillities, choices, options, looking for sth in games just like it is with hidden quests. Everyone I'm talking with loved soul gazes, yet everyone on this forum is against them. Only a rich person can afford buying all dragons he/she wants, to get achievements, full dragon compendium and titles.


Apr 3, 2017
I'm not saying it, I'm into possibillities, choices, options, looking for sth in games just like it is with hidden quests. Everyone I'm talking with loved soul gazes, yet everyone on this forum is against them. Only a rich person can afford buying all dragons he/she wants, to get achievements, full dragon compendium and titles.
If everything is for free in DP as you want it ? you wouldnt be able to run the server lol how you want ppl run this game if you dont want them earn money for dragons(after they give most money if ppl buy dias)?
so you prefer soulgaze system and a server that will close one day just so you get everything you want for free and dont do something for it ?

You can easily farm gold and buy the dragon at diamond seller ? where is problem that you just need to do something to get the stuff?


May 13, 2020
And who says that everything should be easy and for free? Of course there should be benefits for those who buy diamonds, as GMs make good work and must earn too. I'm talking about options and I don't get why you think gazes are so easy, you could run a dungeon 100 times and still don't get the gaze you wanted, but still you had a chance, as so with rare dragons from road quests. Don't forget not only adult people play this game, who have work and money. Treasure hunting, looking for wild dragons, collecting stuff for sets require time and work, so nothing is easy except common dragon on maps.


Apr 3, 2017
And who says that everything should be easy and for free? Of course there should be benefits for those who buy diamonds, as GMs make good work and must earn too. I'm talking about options and I don't get why you think gazes are so easy, you could run a dungeon 100 times and still don't get the gaze you wanted, but still you had a chance, as so with rare dragons from road quests. Don't forget not only adult people play this game, who have work and money. Treasure hunting, looking for wild dragons, collecting stuff for sets require time and work, so nothing is easy except common dragon on maps.
as I said go farm gold ( which is easy af in DP) and buy of diamond seller.
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