I changed islands before with a secret apartment, but it has been a while. I believe the apartment manager will also have your belongings when you move. I think, since I had the warrant for the secret apartment it was still an option after you go in at the top of the stairs. But as the other...
This is the message in my email:
DragonByte Security has detected a security alert regarding New device fingerprints (User)
I am using the same computer that I've used the past 3 years and am using the same internet provider and I am certainly the very same user for the adeptgamer website and...
I recall that I could fall through the floor of the airship if I had a companion summoned when transporting. Not sure if that was just me or if it was a bug.
I love them all, and could be referred to as 'that crazy dragon lady' if I had the room, but since I could only choose 1, I chose assault. I love the muscular build and their compact size, as well as their fierce demeanor. :D
Thanks, Rangerwave! We started in Bakra but also doing Puretia.
We've really enjoyed the opportunity to run around Bakra, since it was never an option for us before since that zone was already closed when we first played DP in 2014.
I am just curious whether anyone else is starting over and doing the Bakra zone since a lot of people were never able to access it. (Me, for one) I realize we can jump ahead to get closer to the level we left behind on the other server, but I want to see what I missed before. That being said...
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