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Which dragon family do you prefer? Part 1

What is your preferred dragon family? Part 1

  • Ancient

    Votes: 5 11.1%
  • Assault

    Votes: 5 11.1%
  • Aqua

    Votes: 2 4.4%
  • Dunestalker

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Duskreaver

    Votes: 4 8.9%
  • Fabled ancient

    Votes: 9 20.0%
  • Hydra

    Votes: 3 6.7%
  • Ironhide

    Votes: 7 15.6%
  • Mythical

    Votes: 2 4.4%
  • Oriental

    Votes: 8 17.8%

  • Total voters


Oct 17, 2016
On this list duskreaver
Ill always have a place in my heart for thornlash, reptar and bird tho xD


Mar 31, 2017
I have and always Loved the swiftfoot family and they are the best dragons for me no matter the situation.


Aug 25, 2017
I voted for assault due to its abilities and tough/fierce-look. Fable ancient looks impressive also. Some of the other families don't have "dragon" feel to them though, like paragon (alligators) and mythical (horses).


Jul 5, 2017
Honestly wish they were balanced a bit more so love could be shown to all equally (like I'd really love for m-dmg arena builds to be a thing without being so prone to instadeath), and some families like the assault have a really slow animation on certain important pvp skills like heals and cyclone assault so even though assault would be my favorite aesthetic, it's not my overall favorite cause it's not as functionable in pvp. My fave's got to be oriental all around though, since they look good, have versatile builds, and all animations are timed well.
Sep 26, 2017
Assault like Dark Flame for flight & fight its a lovely model, BUT for the Guild boss & Dungeon Nasties I always turned to my Ironhide on EU ( have to get both back here lol )
Silk <3


Jun 14, 2017
Tbh if i had to pick one i would have to say Ancient dragons, because of some of their lore.
Jan 5, 2018
Favourite visually - Ancients and Fableds of course.

Favourite in arena:- Ironhides, Easterns, Duskreavers, Phantoms, all lethal.

Favourite in dungeons - Skytouched for heals and Ironhides for staying alive.


The Sparkle Mom
Jan 13, 2018
Here are my favorites:
  • Fableds/Ancients - are of course favorites, most notably due to their appearance and generally nice animations (at least, for DP anyway). These dragons are what initially captured my interest in the game, as I'm sure they have for many others.
  • Phantoms - Chunky waddly devil birbs. Such nasty little things and I love them. While not quite as good as Skytouched, they can still be pretty good healers too.
  • Razorspines - as a reptile lover, these things always just reminded me of over-sized monitors/tegus. Admittedly, I never have built one for combat so I don't know how good they can be for fighting, but they are just as fast as Swiftfoots or Mythicals and they can be really great for refilling Dragon Soul in a pinch since one of their basic attacks can rapidly hit things.
  • Easterns/Duskreavers - both of these dragon types were something I never got around to building a maxed one of before NA servers shut down (and I've been a slacker on this server lol), but visually these dragons are quite interesting. The Easterns with their flowing serpentine movements are some of the best animations in the game. Duskreavers also interestingly designed with their giant wing spikes and predatory nature and are, imo, a straight up upgrade over Assault dragons in terms of appearance and animations. I have one of each being built, both of which are almost maxed, and I look forward to seeing how well they do.
