developer update

  1. Developer Update Current Source Code Progress

    Because we have gotten to a point that there is more than minor updates to announce, I figured I'd do an actual development update. As mentioned in the last response I had to the prior update, we have fixed the major bugs that were found and are now having testers go through to see if there are...
  2. Developer Update A small development update

    This is a small update, so people have an idea of what is currently going on with development. Our current priority is fixing bug reports from beta testing. So far, we have fixed a few critical bugs, and are currently looking at fixing a few others before we can move forward into finalizing...
  3. Developer Update Belated Anniversary Development Update

    This was going to be an update posted for the server anniversary, but due to several delays I had to push it back until there was some concrete information to post, as I generally dislike posting empty updates. The main reason things have been quiet regarding the source update has been that we...
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