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  1. M

    Bug Report How to start the game?

    hello, first of all: glad to be here !!! missed the game since 2018 and now found your server! i downloaded the cloient, installed it, created an account for this page AND a game account for DP, but the log-in at the client doent work. Am I doing anything wrong? kind regards, Manthanee
  2. 1

    Seeking Game Tips

    Hey all! I am about to be starting back up after years of not playing. Frankly, I don't remember much besides really enjoying myself. A few questions: 1. I remember there being an introductory play-through scenario. Am I misremembering? Does that still exist? 2. Any must-dos to set yourself up...
  3. Nyteshade

    Introduction: New Old to the game

    Hello, new to this version but I played since NA Beta. I'm looking forward to playing.
  4. watson

    PLEASE FIX THIS PROBLEM. i cant play game

    i cant play game. Because it said that "this zone has not been actived yet". hy? fix it please. Thank Admin
  5. Wyv3rn L0v3r

    Im New To The Game So Far I Am Liking It

    I was originally a Fortnite Save The World grinder and play alot of Rocket Racing {Yes I am an Unreal racer} with 5K hours but after so long I wanted something different and I am trying to avoid PVP games so I got recommended this game and I really like it reminds me of blessed unleased but...
  6. J

    Bug Report Game without audio

    Olá, sou brasileiro do Brasil e não falo inglês, (usando tradutor) Dito isto. Meu jogo não tem áudio, está 100% funcional, mas não tem áudio. Baixei a pasta do jogo, atualizei, mas não tem áudio. Alguém sabe como resolver isso?
  7. ivorycypher

    Bug Report Solved Game crashes upon logging character

    Hi there! Yesterday evening I logged out of my game as I usually do, then remembered I still wanted to do a quest that I almost forgot about, but when I tried to log back in, the game crashed when I tried to load my character. See the attached video for the crash, there is no error message nor...
  8. Sininsterme


    Hello all, Loved this game from day 1. Played on a few private servers still trying to find a good place.
  9. Keys

    Bug Report Violet game

    As i start my game everything is in Violet or in Negativ Colers i dont really know what to do i startet it over the Launcher so it should be uptadet pls help xD
  10. Shadowmongrel

    Hello, It's been years since I have looked at this game again.

    It's nice to see that this game is up again, a little excited to look at it again. : )
  11. oooo

    Bug Report In my game the sky is green

    In my game the sky is green what is the reason
  12. Memory.png


    In 2012, the General Assembly proclaimded 1 June as the Global Day of Parents, to be observed annually in honour of parents throughout the world. So our guild wish you all a good day with the most lovely people in the world!
  13. U

    Bug Report Solved Trying to Get into game

    Cant figure out how or find a game on how to get into the game as of 1/29/22
  14. N

    Buying WTB Oracle Gear

    over stat weapons, gear, pm what u have with price. thank you
  15. K

    The game is lagging pretty hard

    I noticed during the past few weeks that the game is lagging way more than before. Atleast on my end. Is this a general thing or is it only a problem for me?
  16. watson

    Ask about time in game

    Hi Admin^^ and everybody . Can you Tell me the night time in this game, please?^^ Game's lock compared to the PST time zone, how is the game time calculated??? I want to know day time and night time in game XD. So i can log in game for capture dargon and treasure hunt^^ Thank you Admin and...
  17. Lasimaras

    Game extension we know nothing about?

    In the meantime, is there a game expansion we don't know about? I saw a weapon master with lvl200 in Laedis.
  18. Vineysphinx

    cant seem to get game running.

    i cant seem to get this game running. can someone help?
  19. watson

    New map for game? Laedis 108?

    i wait for the new map and Laedis 108 so long. Can those wishes become true?:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:??????
  20. EvaLinn

    Bug Report Solved Can't login in game

    Hello everyone! Can you tell me do I need my username when I played DP when it worked or I have to create new account. If yes then how and where can I register?
