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  1. S

    Market code activation

    Hello everyone Quick question. these about the Activation code Market when you click on I to access, I want to know how you get it please. Because I want to know what you get with the activation code thank you for your response and feedback
  2. AshaDragon

    Question About Satuma Zone

    Baka is open in the Adept server, is Satuma open and if so how do I get there? Is it a start area or the mostly closed official area that was opened in the official game? Thank you in advance for any replies :)
  3. AshaDragon

    You Tube project "Dragon Diary" sneak peek

    So I have finished the first part of my YT project for a "dragon documentary" for the DP world. As an anima fan I added a "transported to another world" concept as an explanation for how I am making the "documentary" about the world. Note: This is my first time making a video like this please...
  4. S


    Bonjour je cherche de l'aide pour installer Dragon Prophet's et aussi de savoir si il existe un Discord pour parlais en vocal merci je suis Français. car j'aime les dragon je veux plus en tue un seul je les veux en amis merci de tout ça car je suis sensible au dragon dsl pour cette phrase ^^
  5. WolfKat

    Draconic Flute Crystal?

    What are the crystals and where do they come from to have 100 of them for this? Got it from turning in a level 25 dragon for the Academy thing.
  6. WolfKat

    Got a cool purple egg!

    Just wanted to show this to you guys here. I looked up the two listed possible dragons, and Cobalt Lightning appeals to me the most so far. But first, I gotta work toward having more slots for dragons... I like my current 4 basic dragons a lot. And I've already spent a lot of time on them at...
  7. WolfKat

    Maybe dumb question

    I've been peeking at the Costumes tab in my character menu a few times and tried to move a low stat (but nice-looking) gear piece into the slots (as I would in the other MMOs I play when doing cosmetics/transmutations). It didn't work, haha. Is it only for items that would be tagged as costume...
  8. WolfKat

    How to get to Arboran's airship?

    This city is cool, but like a massive maze to me. Reminding me of how confusing Limsa (from FFXIV) and some Pokemon game cities will be for me too. I haven't found a visual guide to point me in the right direction to the airship for the main quest. I'm stumped... It seems like there's an upper...
  9. watson

    I still wait updates

    I'm still waiting for the update after many years. I still remember that time when the game planned big changes in the game such as changing skills, expanding features, adding maps,... but that time the update was unsuccessful. That time was 2 years ago, until now we still haven't been able to...
  10. A

    Soul skill healing

    Hiya everyone - In order to understand the game better i am looking for an answer in how the soul skill (SS) heals works. To be more precise, what you can do to up those numbers. Is it scaled with the stats of your dragons who has the SS? Or is it based on a stat from you character? ( in that...
  11. Lasiodora

    How i can find eggs

    hi friends, I used to play this game a long time ago, when it first came out, we could find eggs at that time, I've been wandering around a lot in the area where we started the game or in some places, but I couldn't find 1 egg, I wonder if they have a spawn location, can you let me know if there...
  12. WhyteWulfe

    Olandra Exploration Achievements

    So either I am a noob and I am missing a quest or this belongs under bug reports lol. I have completed every green/yellow quest in Olandra but it doesn't give me the completed reputation achievement. It is stuck at 1481/1500. Does anyone know what I could be missing or does this need moved to...
  13. WhyteWulfe

    Changing Apartments

    Hello! I would like to swap my current apartment to a different sky island. Is it possible? Or once I picked an island is that the only one I can have an apartment on? I know you cannot have two. I'd simply like to change islands. Thanks so much!
  14. AlexHoll

    Dragon arena

    Can someone tell me what time the arena is in PST?
  15. AlexHoll

    Why are there so few posts?

    I've noticed that people make very few posts, which is very strange, given that there seem to be newcomers. Or are all these dias already above the roof?
  16. AlexHoll

    Hello everyone!

    I've been here recently and heard that there are a lot of people from different countries here! Moreover, many events work mainly at night by local time. I wonder where you are from :) I'm from Russia.
  17. AlexHoll

    Custom home plot

    Hello. I heard that you can choose any place for a home site. What are the conditions for this?
  18. YuuyaHTD

    dragon prophet old account use?

    can i use my old dragon prophet account ore only new created from that private server?
  19. YuuyaHTD

    new old player

    Hello i am new on adept and creat a account for playing dtragon prophet. I had played a few years and now i saw you maked a private server. Lets have fun and i hope the download and all do woithout pronblems. Thx for the chance to play it again.
  20. WhyteWulfe

    Pumpkin Bombs in Puretia

    Hi! I cannot find all the pumpkin bomb recipe pages for Gordon Pumpkin near Paeon. Does anyone know the locations for them? I've searched high and low and have only found three. I don't remember where the others are. Thanks!
