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  1. K

    Joining fr

    besoin de guilde fr svp merci cordialement j'espere vous retrouver en jeux rapidement
  2. T

    Joining Looking for a Spanish guild

    I re-entered the game thinking I would start from scratch. My account has been successfully rescued and I have a level 100 mage, but now I don't know what to do. I would like a guild or someone active who could guide me to continue capturing dragons.
  3. Louinor

    Joining looking for a guild

    hi im new in server and i search guild happy to see you in game
  4. Nyteshade

    Joining Looking for a Guild

    Hello, I am asking for a group of 3 players. I play, my husband plays, and a friend. I have currently 2 active atls, Hubby will have a couple active atls, and Friend only has the one toon. We are looking for an active guild. We speak English and are playing in Eastern USA Time Zone and Central...
  5. O

    Joining Looking for a guild

    Hello, I played this game a lifetime ago on the US server. The mechanics of the game are like memories of shadows that you glimpse out the corner of your eye. Looking for a guild that can help me to relearn the game. Thanks, O
  6. Adamas

    Recruiting How to choose a guild - как найти себя гилд

    My opinion so far in guilds for new players - so far we are 5 ppl playing in DP Мое мнениея для гилдов - для сечас мъ 5 человек каторий играм ДП If u are German ор Engl speaking u can choose like Korona (DE) ppl they play like a family and for sure will help you, Leader is super also with...
  7. Y

    RU guild is looking for friends-Русская гильдия ищет игроков.

    NewRUDP Guild is looking for new friends Come join us its way fun with US, присоеденяйтесь к нам у нас весело!
  8. BlackDino23

    Joining Past DP player looking for New Peeps to join!

    Yo! I used to play DP back in the day and just found this place. Now I'm looking to for a guild to join. I'm mostly a PVE player and I'm english only speaking. So if there are guilds that are looking for some fresh meat but not to fresh please feel free to hit me up. If it means anything, I...
  9. Sherinae

    Joining Looking for guild

    Hello. I am a fresh player on this server with 41lvl char right now and I am looking for chill EU guild/group of friends to roam around, catch some dragons and just talk to. I am playing Guardian rn and I plan to make her my main. I speak English, some German and Polish. The guild should have...
  10. Haggy

    Joining Looking for a guild

    Hello! I haven't played this game in a long, long time. I recently got back into it, thanks to a friend who mentioned that this game still existed and was being handled by the community(?) Anyway! I was wondering, are there any active-social guilds recruiting? I'm not really a hardcore gamer...
  11. Jaslyn

    Recruiting Gilde Nocturna rekrutiert

    Nocturna in lumina! Die Gilde Nocturna existierte schon auf dem inzwischen abgeschaltetem EU-Server seit der Open Beta und auch hier, auf dem Privatserver sind wir mit Stolz vertreten. Wir konzentrieren und auf Endcontent und den Weg bis dorthin. Unseren großen Wissensschatz in allen...
  12. Y

    Joining looking for guild

    havent played for some years now. and enjoying the game play again. looking for a guild to help me reach one of my goal. some is the golden gear. so that will say the big big dungeons will repay that help with helping out others as i can. english typer 6/10 . english speaker 2/10 atm im lvl 78...

    Suggestion Guild Technology - Dragon for Hire

    Hey, if you start a dragon process in the dragon lair, you can use only the highest level of your guild technology for flute- or napo- extraction, which makes sense. But for the gold search (dragon for hire) as well as the dragon training you need to scroll down all levels beginning with 1 -...
  14. Fratley

    Recruiting Guilde Française

    gulde Française saintseiya recrute tout les membres francais actif soyez les bienvenu chez nous
  15. N

    Recruiting Guild Dragonsoul

    Hello. We opend an new Guild: Dragonsoul. Everyone is welcome to join. ^^ No Rules.
  16. M

    Joining New player

    Downloading now looking to see about joining a guild.
  17. SaintBeast

    Recruiting Guild Abyss

    Heyho, Guys ! Abyss is a guild with a focus on endgame content (PVE and PVP). Our main memberbase consists of players with knowledge of all classes and areas of the game. This knowledge will be passed down to newer members with the mentoring from more experienced players. To join, you must be...
  18. Seiichi

    Announcement Addressing Stealing Guilds & Creating Drama

    Because of a situation that happened last night the source update will be delayed while we remove the ability for guild members to take over a guild from the guild leader. This feature is mostly meant for when the guild leader is not active and not for if you have a person vendetta or just...
  19. Adept_Transparent


    Emblem Example
  20. Purple_Emblem


    Emblem Template
