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  1. Fratley

    Buying i wana to buy elemental core of thedrea dungeon AM

    salut tout le monde je veux acheter le noyau élémentaire du donjon thedrea pls wsp me in the Game Titanide Merci a tous
  2. Ellone

    Selling Buying WTT Nadricura&Antillero eggs

    Hello all! Want to Trade Nadricura (Unhatched Egg of Purity) or Antillero (Unhatched Egg of Fluorescence) for Savarkin egg Trade only My nick is Ukolnir (in game)
  3. Snake Pest

    Selling Selling like 50 302 DSD shards?

    hit me up with how much you'll pay here
  4. Dryadia

    Selling WTT Sophani Egg

    Want to Trade Sophani egg (Unhatched Egg of Colorfulness) (Sophani's Offspring) for egg with either: Kondrazi Nadricura or Savarkin Trade only, not selling Also still have Skandarn egg (Unhatched Egg of Scorching Heat) (Skandarn's Offspring) Dryadia (ingame name) Thank you
  5. Dryadia

    Selling WTT Skandarn Egg

    Want to Trade Skandarn egg (Unhatched Egg of Scorching Heat) (Skandarn's Offspring) for egg with either: Kondrazi Nadricura or Savarkin Trade only, not selling Dryadia (ingame name) Thank you
  6. elifkoc

    Buying WTB Platinum

    WTB platinum whisp me in game. type Riyuu and Miyuu with your offer! Thanks!.. You can sell us platinum everytime!
  7. D

    Buying Buying 1 handed Laedis Scepter Lvl 102 (sorcerer weapon)

    Hey all i m buying that 1 handed Laedis scepter level 102. Drop me a pm here if u selling :D Thanks in advance
  8. Snake Pest

    Buying Buying platinum

    Drop off how much you sell plat for, not dias i want platinum or hit me up in the game with your prices, ign: Rusted
  9. SOartex

    Selling Magic shards

    Hello, I am wanting to sell magic shards 1k, 1.2k, and 1.4k for irl money. Whisper me in game Bloodygenesis or Chandy.
  10. SaintBeast

    Buying WTB Phy shards

    Want to Buy Phy dmg Shards whisper me ingame: SaintBeast or message me here to talk about prices.
  11. VickyDragon

    Selling WTT Sophani egg

    I have a Sophani egg (Unhatched egg of Colorfulness) I want to trade for either a Kondrazi egg, Nadricura egg or Savarkin egg.
  12. Seiichi

    Announcement Platinum Trading has been fixed

    For a few weeks the trade system that is part of our shop has been broken due to a problem when updating. The developer got back to me yesterday and has fixed the problem, so it is now possible to trade Platinum again. I have also disabled the ability to trade Credits, as that was not suppose to...
