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Changing Apartments


Feb 16, 2023
Hello! I would like to swap my current apartment to a different sky island. Is it possible? Or once I picked an island is that the only one I can have an apartment on? I know you cannot have two. I'd simply like to change islands. Thanks so much!


Apr 7, 2017
Hey ho!
If you have a private apartment (without the secret apartment ticket), walk up to the apartment manager of a sky island of your choice and talk to them. You can switch sky islands easily that way, you just need to pay the fee again!
I'm not sure when it comes to secret apartments though.
I changed islands before with a secret apartment, but it has been a while. I believe the apartment manager will also have your belongings when you move. I think, since I had the warrant for the secret apartment it was still an option after you go in at the top of the stairs. But as the other person stated, before going in, I talked to the manager of the apartment building where I wanted to reside and paid for an apartment there. After I went into my new apartment location, I was able to access and place all of my belongings. *** Don't forget to pay rent after you are 'inside', which is something I forgot to do after my move, and I wanted to kick myself.
Good luck with your move, and safe journeys to ya!


Feb 16, 2023
Thanks for the reply! I opted to just buy a plot of land but the information is good to know! :)
