Not Sure if this is a good place for this thread, but i thought a place for players to post scripts/macros to share would be nice. this first post will be including a rundown on AutoIt and 1 scripts made in AutoIt
Download Link:
you will be able to copy and paste the text for the scripts in a new '.txt' file and rename it so the extension is '.au3'
or create a new AutoIt v3 script from your context menu after installing the program
inside the instalation folder is a '.exe' called 'Au3Info.exe' which you can use to readjust the mouse coordinates if yours don't match with mine
or create a new AutoIt v3 script from your context menu after installing the program
inside the instalation folder is a '.exe' called 'Au3Info.exe' which you can use to readjust the mouse coordinates if yours don't match with mine
Please Note: this script tests for a window that has a title that starts with: "Dragon", so if your title is in a different language you may need to adjust it in the code, and then maximizes it (DP may need to be in windowed mode)
#cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
AutoIt Version:
Author: log163
Script Function:
Use a specific powder a specific number of times on an egg
#ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Script Start - Add your code below here
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
#include <AutoItConstants.au3>
#include <Constants.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <UpDownConstants.au3>
Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1)
global const $xArray[3] = [393, 440, 490]; the screen x coordinates for the first,second,and third row on powder pane
global const $xbutton = 442; the screen x coordinates for the confirm button on the powder pane
global const $yArray[3] = [330, 374, 416]; the screen y coordinates for the first,second,and third column on powder pane
global const $ybutton = 447; the screen y coordinates for the confirm button on the powder pane
global const $DragonTitle = "Dragon"; the start of the title for the Dragon's Prohpet window
global const $mouseSpeed = 5
global $repeats = 1
global $powder = 1
Func _Main()
;Initialize variables
Local const $iGUIWidth = 300, $iGUIHeight = 100
global const $windowTitle = "Egg Powderizer"
Local $idOK_Btn, $idCancel_Btn
Local $idRepeat, $idPowder
;Create window
GUICreate($windowTitle, $iGUIWidth, $iGUIHeight)
;Create an edit box with no text in it
GUICtrlCreateLabel("Number of Repeats", 10, 10)
$idRepeat = GUICtrlCreateInput("1", 120, 10, 50, 20)
GUICtrlSetOnEvent($idRepeat, "OnUpDown")
GUICtrlCreateLabel("Powder Slot", 10, 40)
$idPowder = GUICtrlCreateInput("1", 120, 40, 50, 20)
GUICtrlSetOnEvent($idPowder, "OnUpDown2")
;Create an "OK" button
$idOK_Btn = GUICtrlCreateButton("Run", 75, 70, 70, 25)
GUICtrlSetOnEvent($idOK_Btn, "OnYes")
;Create a "CANCEL" button
$idCancel_Btn = GUICtrlCreateButton("Cancel", 165, 70, 70, 25)
GUICtrlSetOnEvent($idCancel_Btn, "OnExit")
;Show window/Make the window visible
While 1
EndFunc ;==>_Main
; --------------- Functions ---------------
Func OnExit()
EndFunc ;==>OnExit
Func OnUpDown()
$repeats = GUICtrlRead (@GUI_CtrlId)
EndFunc ;==>OnUpDown
Func OnUpDown2()
$powder = GUICtrlRead (@GUI_CtrlId)
EndFunc ;==>OnUpDown2
Func OnYes()
local $i = 0
local $x = 0
local $y = 0
Switch $powder
Case 1
$x = $xArray[0]
$y = $yArray[0]
Case 2
$x = $xArray[1]
$y = $yArray[0]
Case 3
$x = $xArray[2]
$y = $yArray[0]
Case 4
$x = $xArray[0]
$y = $yArray[1]
Case 5
$x = $xArray[1]
$y = $yArray[1]
Case 6
$x = $xArray[2]
$y = $yArray[1]
Case 7
$x = $xArray[0]
$y = $yArray[2]
Case 8
$x = $xArray[1]
$y = $yArray[2]
Case 9
$x = $xArray[2]
$y = $yArray[2]
Case Else
;$sMsg = "Error"
If WinExists($DragonTitle) Then
WinSetState($DragonTitle, "", @SW_MAXIMIZE)
For $i = 1 To $repeats
MouseClick($MOUSE_CLICK_PRIMARY, $x, $y, 1, $mouseSpeed)
MouseClick($MOUSE_CLICK_PRIMARY, $xbutton, $ybutton, 1, $mouseSpeed)
EndFunc ;==>OnYes
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