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Mandodit the Mad Crow


Aug 26, 2024
I just cannot get through this. I am a level 16 guardian and I am getting crushed every time. I don't remember my first play-through with this part of the quest line being so difficult. Any tips or tricks? I am running around doing side quests now, and hoping to get back to the story line soon!


Aug 29, 2024
I have a vague recollection of Mandodit being a little on the difficult side (can't recall what level I was at, though I played oracle for more hours than any other class). IIRC, my most common strategy was to send in a sacrificial dragon to get in a few hits and draw his attention, then run in myself. That would usually buy me time for "extra" hits without harm before he turned on me.


Feb 16, 2023
Doesn't help that he spawns with the other boss. I remember hating him too lol. Try to lvl up some and if all else fails, hollar on world chat for help. Someone will come smite him with you.


May 25, 2024
I mained a guardian my first play through Dragon's Prophet and at low levels this class has a more difficult time than the others. I switched my build to go full ferocity and that made things alot easier. It also helps to have a dragon with a healing skill on it preferably one that is a soul skill you can control.

I agree that you can give a shout out for help in world and someone will come. There are alot of awesome people playing. You can also join an active Guild like Dragon Masters who almost always has someone online willing to help.


Nov 6, 2024
I've noticed that he's really hard for melee classes. He gave me a hard time on my oracle, but pretty okay on my ranger. I think that part of the issue is that it's hard to fight him without getting mobbed by everyone else. When I was on my ranger, I sniped at him and got him to come to me in an isolated area where it was just me, him and my dragon

on melee I send my dragon out to aggro him, make the dragon just follow me instead of attack (F2, it calls the dragon back to you) which will also lure him to your secluded place of choice to fight him 1 on 1
