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Returning Player


Aug 30, 2024
Hello! Glad to see this game still has some sort of fanbase to it. I got curious about whether any servers for it existed, I was glad to find this one. Is paying the only way to get premium currency on this server?
Hello and welcome old DP buddy.
No, you can get Dias by logging in every day to adeptgamer website; you get 50 credits and those can be exchanged for Dias (2500 credit for 750 Dias and 5000 credits for 1500 Dias). It takes time but it's free.
Also usually Sei starts some Dia sale weekend twice a month (either 30% or 50%) and for special occasions (Black Friday and anniversary get 100%).

Also Dias aren't that important unless you want to buy adept exclusive dragons/items/merch.
Shell shop got almost everything you need.
