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  • Users: Heroine
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Heroine

    Suggestion Arena Manager NPC in one town per zone.

    Not the tournament officer, but it would be nice if the arena NPC was copied to some other towns in other zones so we can keep up with our challenges while we are doing other activities in the game, rather than go to and live in lagdis all the time. There is already one in Alentia and Porthis...
  2. Heroine

    The great big "I need this dragon on arena thread".

    Let us know what dragons you want us to put on arena for you to challenge! Let me know what you want and I'll change my team accordingly too. I would like to see some people put back up grim reaper, experimental mech and golden emperor if they have em, thanks!
  3. Heroine

    Game Tips Dragon Fishing

    "What is Dragon Fishing?" Dragon fishing is a dumb term I use for having a life while hunting dragons. The concept of it involves a player AFKing a spot for a long period of time until there is a 'bite', usually indicated by you taking damage. There's not too much point in doing it, but since...
  4. Heroine

    Suggestion Rejected A realistic breeding system using current game UI

    A breeding system was one of the many systems that during the inception of Dragon's Prophet, was a goal of Runewaker themselves. This thread explores and consults various methods this discarded mechanic can be implemented into the game, exploring potential pros and cons of each method that is...
  5. Heroine

    Guide All the new dragons and how to get them.

    Galactic Storm Availability: Marketplace Release Date: September 9th 2019 Nyssilth, the Toxic Tyrant Availability: Marketplace Release Date: February 14th 2020 Alstromera, the Summer Queen Availability: Marketplace (Summer) Release Date: June 6th 2020 Atropus, the Baleful Shade...
  6. Heroine

    Guide Beginners Video Guide to Asuma's Mirage

    Video description: Skip to jump puzzles - 07:21 When I said in the game, I misspoke and meant in the dungeon. Since the SH forums are going down, I figured I'd make a video guide on Asuma's Mirage. I do go through the whole dungeon, but the main focus is the platforming later on. Boss...
  7. Heroine

    Guide Updated - 3/2020 | Dungeon Ancient Location, Tips Farming Guide

    Introduction:- Dungeon Ancient farming seems like a long, tedious and pointless effort. However, in this guide, I'll not only share the whats, wheres and hows, but how to effectively integrate it into an effective gold or experience grind for your dragon, your gold bank, or your egg nests. I'll...
  8. Heroine

    Buying Buying all Title Promoters and Title Colour Changers + more

    This store is closed. I'll make a new one soon.
  9. Heroine

    Zephyr's Arts.

    Just some recent paintings of critters. Lharm - the pure Daeva of Armour The Crestlich Avatar of malicious armour The Hex Dragon I have more but they are either not good or not recent, Finding time to make stuff is hard.
  10. Heroine

    Suggestion Expansion of Dragon spawn/search methods.

    Introduction After playing various games, I wanted to be able to discuss, share and perhaps hear from other people a brainstorm of potential, workable ideas with discovering new dragons in the wilderness. Savage Hunt has an issue with its inception from a design perspective. The idea sounds...
  11. Heroine

    Suggestion Implemented Reimplementing "Raid" Dungeon Ancients - The Grind Cookie

    It's likely been brought up before, but I'd like to bring it up again with some insight on hows and whats. A long time ago, back in closed/open beta, Runewaker made an attempt to bring the similar Dungeon Ancient mechanic to the larger raid styled dungeons. At the current patch, the level cap...
  12. Heroine

    Suggestion Please Buff Severite/Azores Treasure drop rate. (Weekly Quest)

    For some reason the thread tag is wrong, should be a suggestion. When Runewaker added Treasure Hunts, they were severely imbalanced. Quests designed as a weekly achievement deemed impossible to clear in the week due to the immense and unrealistic grind by a handful of the quests. Caromund's...
