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Guide Dragon Basics


Oct 17, 2016
Hi all!

So this will be my guide on some of the basics of dragons. I will touch base on skills, stats, lair, and evolution. This will not go super in depth but if requested I can do so for you.

[content]I will start off with the question most new players ask. What is a good dragon to get? Personally, I would say whatever you think looks cool. Any dragon can be made to play any role if needed. However, some dragons are better at this than others. I always go for a skytouched dragon first. They have a good amount of HP and are magic damage based so they have very nice heals. So they can withstand a bit of punishment and keep you both alive.[/content]

[content]This is Lord Bird. I have had him on all my toons since the lvl 80 was max lvl back in the day. He has changed in skills over the years but he has saved my butt on many occasions. Since I run a full charisma build he normally sits at about 55k hp + and can heal me about 9k + on his life reflux and can heal for 100k+ on his healing wind. I and still playing with this ones skills so it will change from time to time. However its not a bad set up as is.[/content]
[textheading] Charisma [/textheading]


[content]This is the main stat that boosts your dragons summon time and its stats. Most will go with no charisma in their build since dragons are not really up to par with players. With the 105 orange set gear you should sit at about a 15 minute summon time with a decent boost to their stats. Every class has a passive skill that can boost the stat as well.[/content]
[content]Keep an eye out for skills that you think you would like to use on your finished dragon. Things like hunting assault or mighty impact are nice on phys damage dragons. Obliterating impact and fiery hunting are good for magic damage dragons.[/content]
[textheading] Highly recommended skills [/textheading]

[content]Overall good heal over time. Keeps you topped off as you fight. Common skill that can be found on any dragon.[/content]

[content]Healing Wind is your main burst heal. I prefer this one over life recovery due to the lower cool down time and dragons tend to use this skill sooner as well. This one is a rare skill and tends to only be found on ancients or other more rare dragons.[/content]

[content]This is a skill that stops your dragon from being one shot. Very useful with bosses that have an auto kill skill. Can also save your dragon when they are overwhelmed. Its another rare skill that tends to show up more on ancients and other rare dragons.[/content]

[content]This is a Evolution skill for Skytouched dragons. One of my personal favorite skills in the game. This is a must have for any bird. Its a passive heal that will trigger when your bird gets hit. Also boost its other heals by 30%.[/content]
[content]I do not have many dragons built yet. I just wanted to put tree of life in for those interested in building a Skytouched dragon and will get into a little more detail with dragon evolution skills later.[/content]
Field Training and Skill Transfers​
[content]So now that you found some skills you will need to get them onto your dragon of choice. From the dragon lair you can click on the field training.[/content]

[content]This will let you have a chance to transfer a random skill from one dragon to another. You get 3 free chances a day.[/content]
[textheading] Useful Dragon Tools [/textheading]

[content]Just gives you another chance to do a transfer.[/content]

[content]As it says, 100% chance for a random skill to transfer over.[/content]

[content]These will let you transfer 1 skill as is to any other dragon. Once used it will hold the skill inside of it till it is used on the new dragon. Note this deletes the skill off the original dragon unlike the other options. They also have a soul skill version as well.[/content]

[content]As it says. Will let you delete unwanted skills off a dragon.[/content]

[content]Will let you increase the number of slots on a dragon. This maxes out at 10 slots on any given dragon. Note that you can have a max of 10 normal skills and up to 3 evolution skills in total of 13.[/content]
[content]A good way to make use these items is to make a dragon that cannot learn skills and will let the other dragon learn its skills.[/content]

[content]This guy I have set up to transfer skills to my other dragons. I will use all the skills on any dragon I build so hes a good template for transfers.[/content]
Stats and leveling​
[content]So you got all the skills you want on it. Now you need to lvl it up so it will stop dying! It will lvl with you but also has a Training Level. In order to boost this you need provisions and Laedis provisions. [/content]

[content]You can also lvl a dragon to 10 and dedicate it. You will get a Laedis provision as well as some normal provisions. Most people hatch eggs to do this. You can also lvl them up by fighting with them at your side.[/content]

[content]As you lvl the dragons up, you will get points to appoint to the stats. Each point will boost the stat by a %. Max training lvl is 100. I normally max out con and get enough fero to get 65+ % crit hit chance and put the rest into the main damage stat.[/content]

[content]These can be used to reset dragon stats. You can get these off the shell and dia shop.[/content]
[content]Remember the tree of life skill I had shown before? That was an evolution skill for a skytouched dragon. Each class of dragon has 5 evolution skills and you are allowed to have up to 3 on a dragon. Some skills have requirements in order for them to work and others are just passives that will work once they are on the dragon. You will need both dragon runes and elements in order to put on and lvl the skills. You primarily will get these from the dragon arena.[/content]

[content]To evolve your dragon start by hitting the open evolution window.[/content]

[content]This window will open you need 500 dragon runes in order to evolve the dragon. When you hit evolve you will get one of the skills at random.[/content]

[content]I just used this dragon as my helper for this guide. See how he got a random skill. Now lets see how to get another one on.[/content]

[content]First open the Dragon Compendium.[/content]

[content]Next find the dragon type you are looking to get the evo skill for. Now you will need to gather stars as shown above. You will need to capture the dragon over and over to fill the first requirement. Second requirement is wins vs them in the arena. This means you have to have other people with that dragon fighting on the other team. The 3rd requirement is to have wins in the arena with the dragon. You do not need to have them fight directly and would recommend putting a strong dragon first and the ones you need wins with in the other 2 slots.[/content]


[content]Once you get the requirements you will unlock the stars for them. Once you have the first star you can unlock and buy a training book of said skill. The last 4 require 2 stars so you would need to do a bit more farming to get them. You can also get 1 star on 2 diff dragons in the same family to get the same effect. So lets go ahead and get the Dead Angle Attack book.[/content]

[content]You will get a book in your inventory.[/content]

[content]Back in the lair go into the highlighted evolution tab and place the book in the Meditated Knowledge slot. Once in there click on an empty slot up above to put it into. Then when ready hit the Learning button.[/content]

[content]After its done it will show up in the assigned slot. To lvl the skills you need dragon elements and you will click on the up arrow next to the handle. You can also do it a very slow way and click the handle over and over to lvl it slowly. Only perk to doing the slow way is that you have a very rare chance of getting a free full lvl up on the skill. The max lvl of evo skills are 10.[/content]
[content]So that is a quick overview of the basics. Hope some of the information was helpful to you and forgive me if I missed anything important. If you have any questions please let me know and I will do my best to answer them for you.[/content]
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Mar 31, 2017
So Newb Do you use the academy crystals to create a template/teacher dragon and transfer skills with whips an such or do you train a template dragon to have those skills.
Also back when I was on NA and Partially on EU I would have teacher dragons for a few different groups of families (For ex: I had a 5 slot aqua that had healing reflux, Tough skin and some other useful magic buff skills teach my winder riders, sky touched, and hydra dragons) so should there be a limit to how many template dragons you should focus on or just go hammy?
Lastly Dude you gotta talk about dragon companions man!


Oct 17, 2016
So Newb Do you use the academy crystals to create a template/teacher dragon and transfer skills with whips an such or do you train a template dragon to have those skills.
Also back when I was on NA and Partially on EU I would have teacher dragons for a few different groups of families (For ex: I had a 5 slot aqua that had healing reflux, Tough skin and some other useful magic buff skills teach my winder riders, sky touched, and hydra dragons) so should there be a limit to how many template dragons you should focus on or just go hammy?
Lastly Dude you gotta talk about dragon companions man!

I normally have other dragons raise the skills up and when maxed or close to max ill use the crystals to transfer the sills to the trainer. I make sure to fill up all its slots so that it cannot learn any other skills via transfers and can be used over and over again no matter what dragon type you build. You can set up any amount of trainers that you want. I normally play around with skills too much in order to make that useful for me so I just stick with my main skills of choice. Once the trainer is set up you use whips to transfer the skills over to the main dragons you want to use them on.

As for dragon companions.. I am not an expert on how those really work. I do know that you need to match the desired companion to unlock both the stat bonuses. Then you need to sacrifice tons of dragons over to max out the %. The more you get the bigger boost to the stats you will get. However these do not affect the dragons at all and will only affect your stats when the dragon is summoned with you. I hear that the higher the companion dragons lvl is the bigger the boost you will also get. However, I have not tested this out at all. You also cannot take the companion dragon back without resetting the progress you had made with the companion system.

I do plan on making a lair guide later as well. I just wanted to get some basics up for people that have no clue what to do with dragons.
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Apr 16, 2017
Very well written guide for showing new players what to do. In regards to companion dragons, they do give a very nice buff that will up 2 stats when it's maxed out, and stays with you as long as that dragon is summoned.


Oct 17, 2016
UPDATE: Dragon Training has been taken off the market for now. Unchained energy is also on the market for a bit more but only gives a 3%chance instead of 10


Oct 17, 2016
Sorry for the long wait. I re uploaded all the photos to media so I could get them to show again. Ill do this for my other guide later. Think I got everything.
