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May 12, 2020
Wann kommen endlich Verbesserungen bei FPS und Ping? Mit 1.89 FPS ist das Ganze unspielbar. Bei keinem anderen Spiel habe ich so extreme Probleme, es reicht nur zum einloggen und ich würde gerne spielen :/
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Oct 20, 2016
Ping is dependent on your internet, your ISPs routing to our servers, and your distance from our servers. There is not much we can do to increase your ping.

FPS is dependent on your hardware, and while there will be some improvements with the source update, the gains mostly affect those on newer hardware as we cannot fully support legacy hardware (which is what Dragon's Prophet was made for). If you open your start menu and type "dxdiag" into the search field, you can pull up your computer specs and give them to me so I can see whether you would see performance gains or not.

The fact that you are getting 1.89 FPS means you will still have very low FPS, as the game is just not made for certain hardware and there is nothing we can do after a certain point.

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