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May 13, 2020
Hey Seiichi,

would it be possible to change silia in a way players could duo it?
idk if it would be "easy" to reduce the cooldown of the dissolving cores low enough - if thats possible it would already be fine i guess.
if not, would you consider tolerating the bug way again?

i´m asking because its really hard with the actual player base to find groups strong and motivated enough.
with the change it would be motivation for the strong ones to farm it more on the one hand, and easier to help new or weaker players on the other hand, so they dont need to beg all the time or already give up before beginning.

any chance for that?
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Feb 24, 2020
yeah I agree with this, having it set up like it is now is actually kind of toxic and unfun for a lot of people. The weaker players have to ask the stronger players, but since the stronger players helped the 5 guys before the one that's asking now, they're rejecting them (wich I can't even blame them for, silia is rly annoying). So eventhough I know there are different opinions out there on this, in my personal opinion allowing the bug way until the normal way gets changed so you can do it in smaller groups wouldn't be a bad idea, since old players just get annoyed and new players give up on it.
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May 12, 2020
hmmm... This game is participated for playing together.. There should be regions and dungeons you can only solve in a group with more than one or two player..

But this is only my opinion..
I agree that this game is made for playing together but what if there´s no playerbase to form a proper group for silia anymore? I for myself would farm it a bit more often because I can use the loot. I guess
I´m not the only one on the server in that point. I would appreciate changing the way of doing silia


Apr 10, 2017
I agree that this game is made for playing together but what if there´s no playerbase to form a proper group for silia anymore? I for myself would farm it a bit more often because I can use the loot. I guess
I´m not the only one on the server in that point. I would appreciate changing the way of doing silia
Its not a very hard to find guild or ask in world chat for help... so maybe making omati and sortina much easy too?
Feb 24, 2020
well, you can ask in woldchat
Its not a very hard to find guild or ask in world chat for help... so maybe making omati and sortina much easy too?
well, you could ask in world chat and maybe get a group together as well every now and then, but it's probably not a particularily compitent group most the time because there's people who don't know how the boss mechanic works, so you have to explain everything a bunch of times, then there's language barriers as well, then there are eople who don't want to go into voice chat, wich makes it significantly less likely to succeed again, it's just a mess and at that point it's barely worth bothering


Apr 10, 2017
I think that everyone started with something, I very much doubt that you were immediately aware of everything that was happening


May 13, 2020
Its not a very hard to find guild or ask in world chat for help... so maybe making omati and sortina much easy too?
the difference is, one can easy solo omati and sorthina if equip is good - and anything else in this game except deyarka and silia.
and silia is only different because of the cooldown of the dissolving core, all i ask is to make it equal to the other 2 sos inis.
deyarka is the top level of the game, i totally agree to keep it the way it is - but even deyarka you can easy finish in a group of 4, so whats the point of having silia at the same level?


Oct 20, 2016
Because the skill and abilities of players is subjective, it is difficult to quantify what balancing for 'two players' is exactly.

Instead, what type of changes would help with equalizing skill level allowing for better accessibility in the dungeon? I will put this as planned for now, however it is dependent on the acceptability of the suggestion and whether or not it can be done by Hater, or if things can be adjusted slightly.
Feb 24, 2020
Because the skill and abilities of players is subjective, it is difficult to quantify what balancing for 'two players' is exactly.

Instead, what type of changes would help with equalizing skill level allowing for better accessibility in the dungeon? I will put this as planned for now, however it is dependent on the acceptability of the suggestion and whether or not it can be done by Hater, or if things can be adjusted slightly.
The "balancing" I don't think is the issue here, you could probably do the dungeon with two people as it is, if not for the stacks going up as fast as they do at the end boss. You need to keep the stacks of the boss always between 50-75 with a "dissolving core" that drops in the dungeon from various mobs. The Item reduces thouse stacks by 10 each use and the boss generates like 2-3 stack a second or so. The problem is that this item has a pretty long cooldown and to keep the stacks between 50-75 indefinetly you need 4 people. You can kill the dude with 3 people as well if you have really good damage, but the stacks still slowly go up. With 2 people it is impossible as you can't deal enough damage to kill the boss before the stacks build up to 75 and you get nuked (wich isn't skill based, you can't dodge that or anything, you just die). So I'd say the best solution to this would be to slow down the stack build up of the boss scaling with players in the dungeon. Another option (wich I don't like as much, but is probably easier) would be to reduce the cooldown of the item that you have to use to reduce the stacks, wich would then also lead to other stategies for bigger groups, like having weaker players throw cores while stronger players focus on dealing damage or sth. You could also adjust the cd by group size and it could probably stay the same in that case for groups of 4 and 5.


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Oct 20, 2016
I was hoping it was mostly the cooldown, because that is fairly easy to do.

It may be possible to adjust the stacks that are removed based on the party size, I will just need to talk to Dragon when we look at this though.

Cooldown is different, as it is hardcoded and a raw value.


Oct 20, 2016
Looked into this just now, but it looks as adding a condition based on party size will be the easiest way to balance the difficulty of the dungeon.

Cooldown of the Dissolving Core is also going to be reduced to 23 seconds, and we'll see if that works. This probably will not go live immediately.
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